The subject of child protection is not often in the media,
and when it is, it is usually to print puff pieces or stories planted by
the child protection industry itself. Here we have carefully selected
those media sources that report seriously on the subject.
Personal Experiences:
Australian mother Janette discusses the demise of her family
after she asked Campbelltown DOCS for help with her children.
Her 13-year-old daughter got pregnant in foster care. Posted
July 10, 2013.
The British program UK Column Live devotes a half hour to the
apprehension of a one-day-old baby from its parents. The first
half is video in the home. Posted April 5, 2013, the incident
occurred the day before.
A father-to-be interviews mother-to-be Lexi about the social
services threat to seize their baby at birth. Posted to YouTube
November 26, 2012.
British Columbia MCFD terminates parental access to a child
because the parents published their story. Posted to YouTube by
Dayna Meng on August 24, 2012.
Social workers have a mother arrested for trying to film her own
daughter, and preserve evidence of injuries sustained in foster
care. There is no provenance for this incident posted to
YouTube August 5, 2012.
For reasons still unknown to us F.A.C.S. (Family and Children
Services) tried to impose a visit on our family. Now of course
this was NOT going to happen. Enjoy the tale of what went down
and how they closed the case rather than have to deal with me ;)
Don't mess with a lioness' cubs would be the lesson in this :) A
playful take on a serious topic with the timeless moral of
standing with each other and obtaining self empowerment ツ
Uploaded by LiftingVeils on Mar 22, 2012. Agency is Niagara
A mother who lost three children to CAS tells her story, then
adds before and after pictures of the children. Uploaded by
Kyle Colley on Mar 25, 2012
This is a short video taken this morning in Stratford, of
how corrupt the CAS is with their legalized kidnapping. I
have voluntarily handed my 3 yr. old Grandson over to them
this morning, as a Cancer Patient they did not offer me any
help in the care of him other than telling me if I wanted help
I would have to apply for Welfare, which I'm not on. They
have alienated these 2 brothers against each other who have
lived with their Mother since birth, without assistance from
either of the boys Dad's. CAS and the Lawyer involved have
denied my Daughter her Charter of Rights and failed this
Family on every level possible.
Uploaded by TheDeterminedmom on Mar 2, 2012
This little guy and his 5 yr. old brother were taken from
their Mothers home, because it was messy, yep, from a Mother
that has raised them their whole little lives.
momofmytwo 1 day ago
Notice how the workers protect themselves from families
behind bullet-proof glass. As soon as the boy sees social
workers, he runs back to the safety of grandmother.
Chad Wells. After almost two years of fighting and exposing the
corrupt Muskoka CAS, my three children were able to come home in
March of 2011. I know this will be very painful for the CAS
workers to watch, but for all the families that are fighting and
exposing these demons, I hope this video brings you the
strength. Never give up, you have children that are counting on
you. Posted February 23, 2012.
Tarrin Lupo discusses the CPS case of Kathleen Dearinger.
Recorded 2012.
A mother went to pick up her her 14-year-old daughter from the
foster mother, who is also a lieutenant for the Sterling
Colorado Correctional Facility. As you can hear, she carries
her professional attitude over to her home. Uploaded by
lverdugo77 on Dec 10, 2011
One thing I find in my travels is that there never is a shortage
of stories, some funny, about the CAS from people I just meet
for the first time on the street. The stories come both from
parents, foster parents and from children who have been in care
of the CAS. Almost all want to speak up.
— from a Facebook posting by Vern Beck on November 16, 2011.
The video must have been recorded near Muskoka Ontario during
the spring leaf-out. best guess: Nov 16, 2011.
William and Ana Solomon plead for the return of their children
Anriela, Raven and Bill Jr, taken on a non-criminal domestic
incident on October 24, 2011.
Niagara FACS worker
Cindy Mitchell
intimidates a pregnant woman to compel her to accept "services"
even before the baby is born. Posted October 2011.
Ella, a frantic caller to Alex Jones, reports that CPS is in the
process of stealing her son. October 2011.
A mother's story contains many common CAS elements: When mom
complained to a school, they called CAS to retaliate against
her. Mom only found out when her kids did not come home on the
school bus. CAS boasted of their power. CAS breached
confidentiality by letting everyone else in the small community
know of the abuse allegations. When it was all over, the
children had continuing fears of strangers. From Canada Court
Watch August 22, 2011.
Yvonne Craig tells of the loss of her two sons Julian and Kieran
to foster parent Helga Wales (spelling unknown) of Bruce CAS.
Her sin? Allowing a pregnancy to go to term after her husband
abandoned her.
Niagara FACS worker Joel Dirks, assistant to Chris Steven,
(falsely) claims CAS is part of the government, not a private
corporation. Posted September 11, 2011.
Jessica Beagley (or Bigley) disciplines her Russian-born adopted
child. More at
Niagara mother Shannon Horner-Edsall tells of years of
unnecessary intervention by CAS. She was driven out of her
home. Posted June 8, 2011.
Pat Niagara created this video from three CBC radio broadcasts.
The young person identified as "David" in the reports is the
same person identified on Facebook as "Jessica Larabee". The
CBC did not mention it, but David/Jessica asserts endless
persecution by children's aid on account of his homosexuality.
Canada Court Watch interviews two young clients of Muskoka
children's aid at Bracebridge Ontario, May 19, 2011. The first
is Gordie Merton.
Mother Sarah's personal experience with California CPS deceit,
and pastor
Wiley Drake's account of hundreds of similar cases.
February 23, 2011.
Silent Children (LSFF)
From: childrenslegal | February 04, 2011
In the United Kingdom Children should NOT be SEEN OR HEARD.
This is a true documentary about Children Removed from their
families for no genuine reason. The UK seeks 4000 children for
adoption in 2012. If your parents are considering bringing you
to the UK in 2012 for the Olympics, take our advice - DO NOT
COME. They steal your parents here, give you to strangers, make
you unnameables. Silent Children, unheard, unseen.
Listen to the dictatorial tone of voice of social worker Rhonda
Bailey in addressing the father of her ward. An
affidavit of the same worker gives some
of the (biased) facts. Road Kill Radio May 31, 2011.
Mother Terry Wheeler lost her children over ten years ago to
Muskoka CAS.
A young man fails to get a social services director to
understand the abuse he received growing up in British foster
care. Posted to YouTube August 31, 2010.
Canada Court Watch interviews William Mullins-Johnson. He
served over twelve years in prison after false conviction on
expert testimony by Dr Charles Smith. Posted August 29, 2010.
Canada Court Watch on CAS membership. Samuel Fragomeni was
turned down three times for membership in the Sudbury children's
aid society. July 18, 2010.
Chris York discusses his victory over Niagara CAS in a speech in
front of Queens Park, probably at the
rally on May 17. Canada
Court Watch posted the video on May 18, 2010.
Julian Ichim does not say whether he was the father or
stepfather of his partner's child, but after a few years living
with mother and child CAS ordered him out of his home on pain of
child removal. He thinks it was on account of his membership in
the Marxist-Leninist party, but the same fate has befallen
apolitical fathers. Queens Park, May 17, 2010.
Jackson County Georgia takes three children from mother Alice
Samantha Thomason. Posted to YouTube April 29, 2010.
Where do adult literacy programs get their clients? One of the
two clients featured in this video, Calvin Nantais, is a graduate
of children's aid. Uploaded April 23, 2010.
Teresa Copper tells her story of restraint and drugging during
her teenage years in foster care at Kendall House, Kent England.
Posted to YouTube April 16, 2010. The audio of the second half
has been lost.
Take a rare look inside social worker school to see the recruits
being indoctrinated. Technical warning: You will have to
adjust the sound level while playing. Posted to YouTube March
18, 2010.
Social workers try to return a three-year-old boy to his
(foster) home. The boy is adamant that he does not want to go.
Social workers claim to not understand when he says "I don't
want (foster) mommy kill me". You can't fool a three-year-old
with "best interest of the child". Posted to YouTube March 15,
Alden Tillet's relatives get the family death penalty.
According to CC Tillett, vice-president Washington Families
United, Alden, born March 15, 1999, was adopted by a family of
strangers in Spokane Washington. Posted to YouTube March 11,
Bill Maloney reports on the case of parents known only as A and
B who lose their baby in secret court proceedings, and are even
scared away from speaking to the press. February 2010.

Don't have a mother? Not to worry. You will be scanned monthly
by Florida's new GPS equipped time-stamping laptop demonstrated
by counselor Danielle Emerson from Family Support Services in
Jacksonville. Posted to YouTube February 10, 2010.
Mother Lisa Poovey on the brutality of child protection. Posted
to YouTube December 22, 2009
part 1
part two
British MP Tim Yeo speaks in the House of Commons November 25,
2009. He gives details of a case in which social services
kidnapped newborn Poppey from Carissa and Jim based on the
possibility of future emotional abuse.
part 1
part 2
part 3
Colleen Deroache interviews veteran RCMP officer Sheilah about
her experience with child protection. At age 5 her son engaged
in risky behaviors requiring him to spend a month in British
Columbia respite care at the mother's request. At age 12
Sheilah's work took her to Saskatchewan where she found her son
had stolen $700 on her VISA bill. Resorting to tough love she
reported him to the local police, expecting an overnight
detention followed by a court hearing. Instead a social worker
intervened and kept mother and son apart for nine days until
their first meeting, and three weeks in foster care. When
Sheilah showed the social worker her bulky file on her son's
mental health problems the worker said: "I'm not interested in
anything you have to say". When the boy tried to use the
bathroom at night, his unexpected discovery of another boy
already inside led to his punishment as a sexual deviant.
According to Sheilah, child protectors deny parents the
protections that the RCMP allows to accused offenders. Posted
to YouTube November 9, 2009.
A mother is ashamed of Canada after six years of struggle with
children's aid. Posted by Canada Court Watch November 7, 2009.
The second video is her advice on making (secret) audio
recordings of meetings.
Straight-arrows Paul and Zabeth Bayne discuss the condition of
their children after two years in Ministry care in British
Columbia. Posted to YouTube September 17, 2009.
Audio of British police seizing a baby and arresting the father,
who tried to keep the peace. Posted to YouTube September 15,
Child protectors place girls Fantasia and Sabrina with their
grandmother. She is led to believe she can adopt the girls, so
cooperates with termination of mother's parental rights. Once
termination is complete, Bethany Christian Services sends police
to retrieve the girls. This video, taken on the day of removal
(probably autumn 2008), was posted to Myspace August 8, 2009.
El Paso County Colorado DHS worker Dimitra interviews the Lawson
Family. The prime target is teenager Amanda Lawson, younger
children are Benjamin, Franklin (age 5) and Elizabeth (still
younger), Father Chad Lawson and the unnamed mother are also in
the video. Dimitra is the usual confident, dominating social
worker until at 4:54 in the video the mother announces her
intention to record the private interview between Dimitra and
Amanda. The social worker calls her lawyer for help and leaves
without conducting the interview. Posted to YouTube June 27,
2009. Part two appears to be missing.
A phone call between an expectant mother and social worker and
baby harvester Anita from Ely Family Centre, Cardiff Wales.
Posted to YouTube by MrBagwandeen81 May 28, 2009.
Addendum: Here is a picture of the baby.
Two girls speak about their humiliation when CAS interviewed them
at school. Posted by Canada Court Watch May 18, 2009.
Brant CAS criticizes a mother in court for using baby oil on her
baby, and feeding him yogurt, but a public health nurse says
these things are good for a baby. Posted to YouTube April 25,
Attila Vinczer reports on how recording all conversations saved
him from years in jail and an exorbitant legal bill. April 10,
Police remove two boys from a Wayne Pennsylvania father. A
thirteen-year-old girl (not shown) was also taken. Posted to
YouTube April 10, 2009.
Father Chris Dahlberg visits his three-year-old son Logan at the
Jan Stirling Building in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. In
this video posted April 2, 2009, a Yellowknife Health and Social
Services social worker instructs the boy to lower his voice.
Dad sticks up for his kid.
A Yellowknife boy coached by a social worker accuses dad (sounds
like Chris Dahlberg above) of hitting his other son. Posted to
YouTube April 16, 2009.
Kim and Craig MacNearney's children, Gilgamesh and Berendon,
were apprehended when an anonymous tip about a closet marijuana
garden brought GNWT Child Protection Workers to their door with
4 RCMP officers without a search warrant. Despite having never
been accused of mistreating their children, Child and Family
Services kept the children in foster care for 13 days and then
returned them battered and traumatized. The parents were only
allowed 3 hours of contact with their children in 2 visits.
This is a video taken during the second visit that occurred
on day 8 of the 13 days. Kim and Craig were required by Child
and Family Services to dress and load the children into the
minivan so they could go to the foster home.
Following some normal kid play, notice the reaction of the
kids when they realize separation is coming. Also notice the
torture inflicted on the parents. Posted to YouTube March 20,
2009. Since it has real names, child protectors will bully it
off YouTube soon.
From another source, the intervention occurred because the
MacNearneys were medical marijuana users.
A California couple, Jason and Cassidy McIntire, have their
child stolen by a camera-shy social worker Laurie Lee because of
Vicodin to control pain during childbirth. Cameo by Roger
Weidner. March 12, 2009.
January 10, 2009 Citizen Speeches to Northern Virginia General
Assembly: Psychologist Susan Backus, PhD. describes CPS
January 10, 2009 - Citizen Speeches to Northern Virginia General
Assembly: Christopher Slitor describes how his daughter Sabrina
was kidnaped by Arlington CPS.
January 10, 2009 - Citizen Speeches to Northern Virginia General
Assembly: Nancy Hey, wife of Christopher (Kit) Slitor,
describes how her infant daughter Sabrina was kidnaped by
Arlington CPS. Here she is again, speaking at a father's day
demonstration at the US Capitol, June 19, 2011.
YouTube (and
local copy mp4).
Video authorized and approved by both parents of Umholtz
children. Pearl L. Bryan witness to corroberate Adam and Kim
Umholtz authorization to video children during their visitation
in 'public park'. Posted to YouTube November 15 2008. The
website is already defunct.
Mass deportation of children from Tony Alamo ministry, in
Texarkana November 11, 2008.
Posted to YouTube October 9, 2008. Dana Lawhon who has lost two
sons to DHS and later death, fights Oklahoma DHS for custody of
her only grandchild.
Posted to YouTube October 6, 2008. This Childrens Aid Society's
group home victim speaks of the hell he went through and the
suicide of another group home victim. He states that it is the
unnecessary brutal isolation from family that causes a lot of
the damage and directly led to this friends suicide. He says
that we need people in the system who actually give a shit.
Cathy Norris is one of the voices.
Posted to YouTube October 6, 2008. According to this graduate,
CAS means Criminal Apprentice System. Lots of children get in
trouble with the law after entering group homes. Cathy Norris
Oregon father Mark recorded a 16 minute meeting with CPS. It
illustrates the futility of discussing a case with CPS. They
could not justify their seizure of his baby with a single past
or future action of the father. CPS got YouTube to remove the
video on grounds that it violated "privacy". It was uploaded to by Michael Garibaldi. Below is Mark's letter from
jail, following his arrest on October 2, 2008.
Hello. My name is Mark. My baby was kidnapped by CPS on
July 16, 2008 with no claim of abuse or neglect. I have
informed CPS, and proved on the record, that they do not have
authority or jurisdiction over this baby to remove him from
his parents. It is a blatant invasion, without cause, onto
the sanctity of family. The CPS workers ignored me, and
conspired with the "judge" to rig the game so it looks
legitimate - i.e. - covering up their crimes. I have exposed
their crimes. Now they have retaliated by getting me
arrested. They have altered court records, falsified my name
and address and residency status, and thereby have caused me
to not be included in their kangaroo court process. I caught
them in this deceit and exposed them and the judge on the
record for fraud. On Oct 2, at 9:30pm, 4 armed police and a
dog attacked me outside my home. Without announcing their
purpose or intent they physically attacked me, threw me around
the deck area, hit me, tossed me over a table and generally
demonstrated their violent inclinations. It is 6 days later
and my wrists are still bruised from the vindictive
over-tightening of the handcuffs. AFTER all this, they
informed me they had a warrant for the arrest of the false
name that they assigned to me. The charges: "Intercepting
Communications" - A MISDEMEANOR! And they executed it with
this much violence? I later discovered CPS workers are so
desperate that they falsely accused me of threatening to blow
up the court house! These people are sick, psychotic and VERY
dangerous. As promised, I will continue to speak out, even
from jail. CPS must be abolished. And, the criminal agents
must be put in prison for kidnapping. Join the battle to
expose them.
Posted to YouTube September 19, 2008. A father visits his son
in an observation chamber. The circumstances are the same as
for fatehr Mark in the October 2 video above. The man posting
the video comments:
The last visit of Dad with his baby. CPS cut off visits
after receiving a "psych eval" that was nothing but
regurgitated rhetoric handed to the doctor by the social
worker. Notice "The Room" that is the same "Room" all over
the globe! This poor little baby doesn't even have a name
yet! Can any sane human even think that this poor baby is
better off in "foster slavery" than with his own parents? He
has a happy 2-parent home with a mother and father that love
him with all their heart. There is no claim of abuse or
neglect! The "State" didn't even know this baby existed for
certain until they hijacked the mother in a parkinglot and
ripped the baby away from her. On accusation from a social
worker from another state that there are other children being
held hostage, so this baby might be at risk!? Might?
Possible? Can we say "prior restraint" and "denial of due
process"? How about "failure to provide pre-deprivation
hearing"? How about outright "Kidnapping"!?
The whole "evaluation" crap is a complete fraud. How is it
that a father should have to prove himself fit to raise his
own children? Are the "caretakers" and "foster parents"
subject to these evaluations? Why is a Parent forced to
undergo stricter criteria than a complete stranger to the
The social worker's husband is DIRECTOR of the county
corrections department. He came knocking IN PERSON on Friday
to intimidate and harass! He has a staff of psuedo-cops that
do in-person contacts for probation matters, but he comes 15
miles in person? The Director of the department? Tell me
this isn't harassment! No contract = criminal conduct. They
are trying to use Baby to coerce and intimidate Dad and Mom
into a contract! "Just sign this agreement for visitation
requirements..." CRIMINALS!
September 1, 2008. Carline VandenElsen has given birth to four
children, all taken from her by force and placed with
genetically unrelated caretakers. In two video folk songs, she
laments her ordeal.
My First CPS Visit, posted to YouTube June 11, 2008 by
EmmanuelMontelongo. A CPS tries to bully a father into
relinquishing his baby. The blurb says: My mother in law is
putting cps on me because she is psycho.
Don't Mess with Texas CPS, posted May 30, 2008. Following a
report by Austin TV station KVUE on baby Jocelyn snatched from
mother Shirley Houser in the delivery room, Alex Jones comments
on the Houser case.
Posted by Canada Court Watch May 28, 2008. Foster children
spent Christmas locked in a basement while the foster family
feasted above.
Posted by Canada Court Watch May 25, 2008. A teenaged girl
discusses her experiences with the Office of the Children's
Colleen and Alvin Deroache
(May 19, 2008). A British Columbia couple recounts five years
of experience dealing with local child protectors. This
material is in seven YouTube videos:
Since controversial material disappears quickly from YouTube, we
have local copies:
(all in flv format). Only the first is technically awkward.
April 28, 2008. Family Reunification Is Visitation Canceled.
Robert Coleman records an encounter with a caseworker, but
professional prevaricators fear accurate publicity above all
Phone call recorded May 4, 2008. CPS is doing everything
they can to cancel and manipulate the courts to keep us from
seeing our children. This social worker was fired from Child
and Family Services after we had filed maney complaints on her
only for to be hired by Marquette County CPS.
Third recording posted May 8, 2008, no date of the incident
is given. A girl in foster care gets at least three vaginal
deceit (flv)
A standard technique of family destruction is to falsely tell
both parent and child that the other does not want you. In this
case, a mother caught evidence of the scam on audio tape. This
video was posted April 29, 2008 to the blog
It's Almost Tuesday. The family is not identified.
February 25, 2008, YouTube. A mother raped by the psychiatric
drug Zoloft eventually catches on and weans herself. Her next
baby is kept out of the reach of doctors with a home birth.
December 14, 2007. YouTube. The story of a Florida family
wrecked by DCF. Also, see the
Douglass blog.
CPS, CIPS, DCF, DSS, DCFS, or whatever name they go by in
your area, have taken children away from parents because of
unfounded accusations. Municipalities also "put people in
their place" to protect the drug trade!
Friends of mine have been to scared to take their children
to the hospital because of an injury that occurred. Due to
the corruption of DCF and CPS.
One story of a friend had a four wheeler flip onto his 14
yr old son.
He split his head and was bleeding, wanting to go to sleep.
The Father and mother cried for hrs while doing everything
they could to help the wound, because they were afraid they
would lose their children to DCF.
There are MANY more stories like this all over Florida that
are happening everyday.
Another friend has a 3 year old daughter who was spinning
in an office chair, fell down and put a bump on her head, the
Father and Mother were to scared to take her to the emergency
room because they were afraid of DCF stepping in and taking
their children on unfounded accusations.
Until we have honest employees, or at least an internal
affairs group for DCF, people's children are in danger of
suffering at the hands of lying DCF employees. What will
happen to these children who need medical help and the parents
are to afraid to take their children to the hospital because
of being falsely accused and losing their children.
A missionary friend was to fly in to Florida to preach in
our area. He had been praying for our family with his family.
An 8 year old son was going to fly in with him, but the day of
his flight leaving, his son found out they were coming to
Florida and would not get on the plane. He said, "I don't
want to go where people take children from the Dad and Mom's."
He cried excessively until his father told him he did not have
to go.
DCF is Destroying Children and Families.
British stepgrandfather Charles Roy Taylor has been jailed for
two years for attempting to help his teenaged grandson in foster
care. The grandmother got a sentence suspended for two years.
The sentences are a pretext for keeping the boy in care past his
sixteenth birthday. Posted November 30, 2007.
Swat Team Raids an Amish School. Bergholtz Ohio, September 18,
November 25, 2007 YouTube. Five harvested mothers discuss their
Three sisters separated for months express their opinion of
their foster homes. British Columbia MCFD punishes the family
by ending their visit. Posted to YouTube June 29, 2007.
Stolen Baby! A young mother and grandmother have a baby girl
stolen in Lancaster County Pennsylvania without cause. Only
embarrassment from a film-maker gets the child returned. Posted
December 4, 2006.
The video is lost, but the audio tells the story of two
Connecticut families reporting their experiences with child
protectors, including:
- lawyers who do not represent their clients
- a mother had to attend court alone, without family members
or a lawyer
- gag orders preventing parents from reporting their case to
law enforcement or political representatives
- sexual abuse of a boy in foster care
Posted August 10, 2006.
This is an audio/video clip in wmv format of a woman speaking to
the camera with a paper bag over her head to protect her
identity. She describes the flight of her family from child
protectors. This clip is authentic because it came from Leonard
Henderson of the American Family Rights Association. With a
low-speed connection, download the file before playing it.
Later news showed that this video was by mother
Lynnae Lake protecting her
daughter Emily.
On July 8, 2004 police went to the home of Lester Eugene Siler
in Tennessee. They asked his wife to leave with his child so
that they could speak to him alone. Before leaving, his wife
turned on a tape recorder, creating the linked recording (19
megabytes mp3). It includes threats, probably now routine in
police work, to harm the suspect's wife and child. This is a
very disturbing recording, not for the squeamish.
[06:12] Officer Franklin: No... You listen to me. You listen to me. Let me tell
you what's gonna happen. If you don't sign, I'm gonna go right back there where your
wife's at, and I'm gonna put her ass in jail. I'm calling the Department of Human
Services and I'm gonna take your fucking kids from you today.
and later:
[25:10] Officer Webber: Eugene, sign it buddy, or we're gonna go down and git your
wife. You want us to do that?
Diane Booth
(wma). Radio interview of Diane Booth by Gary Null, broadcast
on WBAI radio New York on June 13, 2003. It is the tragedy of a
mother who fled to Canada with her son to save him from
Life in Foster Care is Like a Subway Ride. John Dunn told his
story of foster care on the CBC program Outfront in 2002.
Later, John
found his
Police commit child abuse by forcing fourteen-year-old Michael
Crowe to falsely confess to the murder of his sister Stephanie.
Recording made November 20, 1991 of Ottawa police sergeant
Thomas Callaghan and Lanark Children’s Aid Society social worker
Barbara Erb interviewing Raymond Kerr on his fourth birthday.
This boy, later adopted with the name Raymond Paquette,
sued children's aid shortly
after reaching age of majority. The Jack referred to in the
recording is Jack Hepworth, the boy's stepfather.
mp4. Barbara Erb
continues interviewing the same witness on December 14, 1992.
She is coaching him to be more incriminating.
mp4 Sergeant Thomas
Callaghan and Lanark CAS worker Denise Unhola interview the boy
again on April 27, 1992. Callaghan is lying when he says he
recently talked to Jack. When the boy gives the answer the
interrogator wants, he praises the boy saying "That's right!".
mp4 Barbara Erb and
Ottawa police sergeant Jill Skinner continue the interviews
December 2, 1992. Raymond can now respond that Jack sucked on
my dink.
Former foster child Arthur Gallant and Hamilton CAS executive
director Dominic Verticchio debate on CHCH-TV March 31, 2015.
Captured by Pat Niagara.
Advertisement for 2014 incumbent Arizona Democratic congresswoman
Ann Kirkpatrick criticizing Republican opponent Andy Tobin for
cutting funding for child protective services.
Former Los Angeles Social worker Julian Dominguez is interviewed
by Tami Stefano. He says that affidavits sworn by social workers
are not written by the worker herself. One professional writes
the affidavits of all staff from notes provided by the worker.
That writer makes the real decisions about what the affidavit will
Mr Dominguez's observations coincide with those of fixcas.
Affidavits under the names of many workers in Dufferin CAS all
showed the same literary style.
Posted to YouTube May 8, 2014. The first minute of video is
technically awkward.
Carlos Morales was a CPS worker in Texas for a year. In this
interview he explains the dysfunctional child protection system
from the point of view of an insider, and gives advice on what to
do when CPS strikes.

A billboard and TV campaign in Queensland Australia promotes same-sex marriage.
July 2013.
The American police state has grown to such proportions that
Sesame Street finds it necessary to teach pre-schoolers about it.
June 2013.
Anonymous warns CPS in the United States.
mp4 sat down with Senator Pam Roach to discuss her new bill
5504, requiring government employees to tell the truth. Uploaded on
Feb 28, 2013
Massachusetts Lawyer Scott P Brown speaks on what you should do when
CPS comes to your door. Posted to YouTube January 17,
Dr. Marty McKay, former Psychologist with the Children's Aid Society
for 33 years, talks about how children in foster care are unethically
drugged into a stupor for profit. Posted to vimeo by Esther
Buckareff December 2012.
Dr McKay is an example of an expert who gave a report unfavorable
to children's aid, and got no more referrals as a result. The CBC
videos on J are at
[1] and
Abused in Care: Suing the CAS | Q&A with lawyer Loretta Merritt.
Posted to vimeo by Esther Buckareff October 2012.
List Of Questions (With Timecode)
- 00:05
- Introduction (Who do you normally represent?)
- 00:37
- Do you ever represent natural, foster, or adoptive parent(s)?
- 01:43
- How does the court define "negligence"?
- 02:22
- Do you have to prove the CAS was negligent?
- 04:37
- How do you prove fault?
- 07:16
- Is the CAS contracting out to group homes to avoid being sued?
- 08:58
- How does the law apply if other children (in a group home) abused the survivor?
- 10:16
- If a file has been sealed for 20 years, or the CAS claims there is no file, can a survivor still sue?
- 11:08
- How much money can a survivor sue for?
- 15:00
- Is it harder to sue the CAS if the child was damaged before they went into care?
- 15:28
- Is it worthwhile for an abuse survivor to sue for damages?
- 16:56
- Are gag orders normally part of the settlement?
- 18:46
- Do the claims cost tax payers when the CAS loses?
- 20:46
- Would you encourage kids - teens or young adults - to sue?
- 22:30
- What if a survivor can't afford a lawyer?
- 23:08
- How do you know if it's "a strong case" ?
- 24:06
- If the abuse happened in a foster home does that mean you can't sue the CAS?
- 24:42
- Is there a statute of limitations?
- 28:02
- Final thoughts...
Part 1:
Part 2:
To apprehend a child, the Children's Aid requires a warrant, though
they rarely get one. Criminal and Family lawyer Brigitte Gratl
discusses how and why the CAS apprehends children illegally, and gets
away with it in court. Part 2 discusses the subjectivity of why many
children are apprehended by the Children's Aid Society. She
questions whether a worker's perspective becomes skewed to the point
of making irrational decisions, and the unfair scrutiny that a mother
and/or father is often subjected to. Posted to vimeo by Esther
Buckareff September 2012.
If Keri Malcolm could speak to the Minister of Children and Youth,
she would tell him about children that should be with their families
and aren't. She would beg him to return her son to her, while he is
still at a vulnerable adolecent age. Posted to vimeo by Esther
Buckareff September 2012.
Native Grandmother Lina Desmoulin addresses the state of Dilico - the
Native branch of the Children's Aid Society in Thunder Bay, Ontario.
As one of the founders of Dilico, Lena implores the Chiefs of Ontario
to "back up" and relook at "the monster" the organization has become.
The situation Lina describes is referred to as "The Millennium Scoop"
- thousands of children taken from Native homes and either adopted
out or placed into non-Native foster and group homes. Over 70% of
all children in the care of the Children's Aid Societies of Ontario
are Native children. Posted to vimeo by Esther Buckareff September
A Discussion about the Ontario College of Social Workers &
Social Service Workers. A conversation between politician Frank
Klees, former CAS adoption client Edward Hickey, and family lawyer
Alfred Mamo. Woven through the conversation is the director's visit
to the College (to take footage of their wall) and her encounter with
the the College's in-house legal counsel and Director of complaints,
Marlene Zagdanski. Critical issues include the College's current
policy not to enforce its mandate, and the Children's Aid Society's
unethical practice to circumvent the law by employing unregistered
social workers. Posted to vimeo by Esther Buckareff September 2012.
Georgette Mulheir breaks stereotypes on orphanages. Most of the
children have living parents who want them. Well behaved
children are a symptom of the most severe abuse. Misbehavior
gets treated with drugs. Outcomes in later life are abysmal.
While she talks about poor countries, the increased
institutionalization of children in wealthy countries produces
the same maladies. TED talk, August 2012.
The communicizer advertisement promotes adoption. Today there
are more parents willing to adopt than children available, so
there is no point in recruiting adopters. The ad is really
promoting the view that adoption is a good thing, an act of
John Storm interviews Niagara CAS worker Denise Collins and
foster parent Cathy Austin. These are the same folks who take
children from
parents. Program
Taking Niagara by Storm captured by
Pat Niagara, posted August 31 2012.
Alex Jones interviews Lenore Skenazy, editor of
Free Range Kids, on the
mollycoddling of children. August, 2012. Here is Lenore again,
interviewed by the less incendiary
Reason TV (mp4).
Tim Robbins gives his thoughts on the routine drugging of
children. Posted to YouTube August 25, 2012.
An occasional child suffers and adverse reaction to vaccination.
The child protection system cruelly accuses the parents and
seizes the injured child along with any siblings. Mentions
Elwood Sadowsky,
accused of killing daughter Amanda. Posted August 20, 2012.
Lemn Sissay: A child of the state, filmed Jun 2012.
Literature has long been fascinated with fostered, adopted and orphaned children, from Moses to Cinderella to Oliver Twist to Harry Potter. So why do many parentless children feel compelled to hide their pasts? Poet and playwright Lemn Sissay tells his own moving story. (Filmed at TEDxHousesofParliament.)
An award-winning playwright and popular broadcaster in the UK, as well as the author of five poetry books, Lemn Sissay has a way with words.
Anonymous targets Australia's child protection system.
Maryanne Godboldo is awarded by the CCHR. Posted February 12,
Monday September 19, 2011
Motherhood Interrupted
She was 19 years old, pregnant and unmarried and the world was
unforgiving. It was the sixties and Sharon Pederson was
literally tossed out in the snow and turned into a domestic
slave. She was lectured and demeaned. And when her baby was
born, social workers forced her to sign her away. Hundreds of
young women were forced to hand over their babies for adoption
in Canada. Today in our documentary, we bring you the story of
one woman who can't forget.
— CBC blurb from The Current
with Anna Maria Tremonti.
In common with many exposés of past abuse, there is no
mention that the same practice continues today, with only the
justifications altered.
Thursday September 22, 2011
It's mail day. And we have been overwhelmed with responses to
the story of Sharon Pederson, a woman shunned, alienated and
forced to give up her baby for adoption because she was young
and single. That story unleashed a flood of similar stories
from other mothers, children and adoptive parents alike. And
according to The Current's Kathleen Goldhar, they're just the
tip of the iceberg. We hear from her and also get to some of
your letters on the entitled generation, erotic capital in the
workplace and an update on a asbestos story and the Von Palleske
audio (mp3).
When police are equipped with non-lethal weapons, they use them
at a rate over a thousand times higher than when they have only
lethal weapons. Normal use is not where the life of the
policeman is in danger, but where a subject is not complying
with orders. The ideal non-lethal weapon, one that causes pain
without leaving marks, is the perfect torture device. TED talk
by Stephen Coleman, September 2011.
Chain of obedience. The mechanism of atrocity, posted to
YouTube October 13, 2011.
Lawyer Harvey Silverglate advises using a recording device when
FBI agents conduct an interview. Uploaded Aug 31, 2011.
Absolute Power. Forceful child removal coupled with haughty
Christine Aphrodite interviews Mary Callahan. The program
starts nine minutes into the recording. When Mary told the
legislature of the abuse handed out in foster care, they were
bored. They have heard hundreds of similar stories. April 12,
The first link is Minister of Children and Youth Services Laurel
Broten speaking at One Kids Place in North Bay Ontario on
November 5, 2010. She says almost nothing, but says it with
great enthusiasm. Compare her delivery to the sales-girl in the
second video soliciting support to ban dihydrogen monoxide.
At a debate held October 7, 2010 in Sioux Falls between South
Dakota gubernatorial candidates Dennis Daugaard, Republican, and
Scott Heidepriem, Democrat, a reporter asked about funding of
child protective services. The only parent figures mentioned
are "parents [ who ] have been rehabilitated" and "abusive
boyfriend". The candidates are clueless.
Call to action from Linda Plourde.
Finally, a client who loves CPS even less than we do. August 2,
Sugata Mitra shows the real way to teach children. TED, July
Social science research is biased. June 2, 2010.
Adoption Law Doesn't Just Affect Babies. Adult adoptees are
frustrated by law in efforts to find their origins. Uploaded by
Jean Strauss April 28, 2010.
Nadir Siguencia takes his objections to CAS to the streets,
Queen and John in Toronto April 20, 2010.
Try his website.
Dominique Garay compares discipline to labeling. Posted to
YouTube April 28, 2010.
April 12, 2010 — In PHC's [Patrick Henry College] first annual
Real Hope for the Future speech contest, junior Aaron
Kamakawiwoole won the $1000 first prize with his speech on the
importance of defending parental rights in the United States,
describing his lobbying efforts in his home state of Hawaii to
pass the Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
The Right to be a Father. Swedish documentary on social policies
breaking the bond between fathers and children.
Stephen Baskerville
explains how the documentary came to be created and suppressed.
February 23, 2010
Child prodigy Adora Svitak says the world needs "childish"
thinking: bold ideas, wild creativity and especially optimism.
Kids' big dreams deserve high expectations, she says, starting
with grownups' willingness to learn from children as much as to
teach. A prolific short story writer and blogger since age
seven, Adora Svitak (now 12) speaks around the United States to
adults and children as an advocate for literacy. Filmed
February 2010.
Alex Jones interviews John Hemming February 2, 2010. The second
link is to a radio interview with Angela Wileman, posted August
18, 2009.
Jamie Oliver speaks to TED, February 2010. The diet American
schools feed to children amounts to child abuse.
CBC radio program The Current broadcast January 8, 2010.
Country star and guest-host Shania Twain, interviews Katreena
Scott, professor in the Department of Human Development and
Applied Psychology at the University of Toronto, and Jeanette
Lewis, Executive Director of the Ontario Association of
Children's Aid Societies. This discussion by three believers
omits mention of the armed police escort used on every visit to
a new client, and many other atrocities.
Developmental disorders in children are typically diagnosed by
observing behavior, but Aditi Shankardass knew that we should be
looking directly at their brains. She explains how a remarkable
EEG device has revealed mistaken diagnoses and transformed
children's lives. Aditi Shankardass is pioneering the use of
EEG technology to give children with developmental disorders
their most accurate diagnosis.
— blurb from November 2009 TED talk. This talk shows that
psychiatrists are in the dark ages when it comes to diagnosis of
pediatric behaviors.
Five women discuss social services, totally clueless as to its
true nature. From the tv program 100 Huntley posted to YouTube
October 2, 2009 featuring guest: Ronnie Littlewood, Brantford
Children's Aid Society Social Worker,
Stephen Baskerville on the family crisis. August 11, 2009.
Cameron Herold proposes teaching children to become
entrepeneurs. TED talk March 2010.
Alex Jones profiles CPS, ending with an imitation of a family
court judge. Fun to watch, though based on Ontario experience,
pure fantasy.
Alex Jones
(56 megabytes mp3). Alex Jones interviews former Georgia state
senator Nancy Schaefer on May 14, 2009 starting at 193 minutes
into the program.
Dr Jayne Major was interviewed at Toronto's conference on
parental alienation. Posted by Canada court Watch April 22,
Former Georgia senator Nancy Schaefer addresses the Eagle Forum
March 12, 2009.
On the Edge, Theo Chalmers interviews John Hemming for two
hours. This is the first of thirteen YouTube parts, links to
the other parts are on the YouTube page. Posted March 4, 2009.
Michigan Supreme Court Justice Maura Corrigan speaking at Cooley
Law School Grand Rapids provides an overview of a lawsuit
settlement regarding the foster care system in Michigan. She
speaks of the child protection system, not as a party at arms
length, but as a collegue. Posted to YouTube October 23, 2008.
Dr Phil show, September 18, 2008. Dr Phil interviews mother
Treffly Coyne who was arrested and separated from her children
for walking 30 feet from her car while leaving a baby inside.
The program continues with mother Lynn DeJac who spent 13 years
in jail falsely convicted of murdering her own daughter
Crystallynn Girard. Dr Phil, an advocate for the CASA system,
ends with terrible advice: When falsely accused, cooperate with
the investigators, but discuss the case only with your lawyer.
Far better to tell nothing to the investigator, and to make
contact with advocates who can help in the political opposition
that is the only real salvation for families.
We could not find a video titled "Don't Talk to the CAS", so
here is the best we could find. Talking to CAS is even more
dangerous than talking to the police. Professor James Duane,
posted to Google video May 21, 2008.
Officer George Bruch responds to above talk. He starts by
observing that he can follow anyone and find an offense, but
ends by claiming that he does not convict the innocent.
April 20, 2008, YouTube. Michael Savage on the FLDS raid. The
radio program was augmented with video not from Savage.
(26 megabytes mp3, starts with 15 second commercial). Georgia
state senator Nancy Schaefer speaks with Ron Smith and others
for an hour, recorded March 27, 2008. The senator has found
that reform at the state level cannot occur as long as the
federal government offers large funding incentives to the states
to separate families. She recently announced that she is
running for the US Congress.
February 28, 2008. Keep the bastards honest. Dr Lynne Wrennall
pleads to end secrecy in family courts.
February 19, 2008. How To Deal With That Dirty Worker
(YouTube). Most social workers have less education than a high
school graduate, yet think of themselves as experts in
psychology, medicine and law. To deal with them, pretend to be
at their intellectual level. Not everybody can do this, but the
advice might work for some.
Dr Jeffrey Schaler Professor of Psychology describes psychiatry
as a pseudo-science. Posted to YouTube February 8, 2008.
January 4, 2008. YouTube. Indian leader
Russell Means
on the destruction of his nation by child adoption, drugging of
children and medical experimentation.
[1] flv
[2] flv
Deconstructing America. The leading figures in family law
reform criticize corruption in the court. Two parts posted to
YouTube December 2 2007.
November 7, 2007 YouTube. A former caseworker for the Toronto
Children's Aid Society criticizes his former employer.
Adoption promotion. Don't try this if you are a natural parent.
October 2007.
Adoption Show
waiver (mp3)
A web-only radio program dealing with the experiences of
adoptees. The second link is to a gem extracted by John Dunn -
a social worker herself adopted is forbidden to look at her own
case file.
September 9, 2006. Raynard Price "Ask A Foster Parent Anything
- Destroying Kids". A candid foster parent exposes the
malfeasance of foster parents social workers and therapists.
Dunn / Lafantaisie
John Dunn and Michele Lafantaisie were guests on this CH TV
Hamilton program broadcast March 10, 2006. In case of expiry,
here is a
local copy.
Google video of TV program Hardfire, The ACS Kidnaps
Children. Stephen Finger interviews parents Rolando Bini
and Conchita Jones. Dated 21-Feb-2006, runs 28 min 31 sec.
Steven Levitt on the value of car seats. TED, July 2005.
Mark Blackburn
Mark Blackburn did two programs for CBC Ottawa on Children's
Aid, only this one survives. It presents the view that
permanent separation of children from their parents harms not
the parents, but the children. Until these broadcasts, Marie
Bountrogianni stonewalled requests for information on the
five-year statutory review of the Child and Family Services Act.
This 1.6 Mb mp3 file has running time 6:52. February 6,
Dr Mark Vonnegut defines ADHD at the NIH Consensus Development
Conference on ADHD, November 16-18, 1998.
Technical note: Dr Vonnegut requires that behaviors be
"several standard deviations different" to qualify as ADHD.
Surmising that "several" means three or more, of the 75 million
Americans under age 18, only 100 thousand are more than three
standard deviations above normal. But "almost 4 million
children 3–17 years of age (7%) had Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)" according to the Summary
Health Statistics for U.S. Children: National Health Interview
Survey, 2002 issued by the Centers for Disease Control.
News Broadcasts:
A news channel discovered a baby factory in Abia Nigeria where
teenaged girls are kept pregnant to product adoptive babies
peddled as foundlings.
Published on May 6, 2013
The Abia state police command has apprehended a fake social worker; Ngozi Nkwonu, who under the pretense of operating an orphanage, runs a baby-making centre, where teenage girls are impregnated and the babies sold off. For more information log on to
It is not just children who are seized to make a claim on public
funding. After Bonnie Crosby had a stroke, her brother Kenny
Hein cared for her until a state agency got a tip. KRNV October
15, 2012.
Sergeant Tyler Ruble of Chariton Iowa uses a taser on 34-year
old Amy Storm after she is cuffed on her hands and feet and
hog-tied. The incident occurred in 2010, but was only broadcast
by WHO-TV on May 30, 2012. The officer was also shown to be a
Mother Kristina Fowler has to watch helplessly as her children
are abused and tortured by their adoptive mom Kelly Morris.
KFSN-TV Fresno California May 30, 2012.
Schools in Franklin Township New Jersey sic DYFS on parents who
advocate too strongly for their children. May 2012.

WXYZ Detroit tried to track down the story of children
apprehended with court orders rubber-stamped with the name of
Leslie Kim Smith. They were stonewalled. Broadcast May 9,
When Webster Texas mother Natalie Ruiz got a mistaken visit from
police she refused to let them into her home. They reported her
to CPS saying she was intoxicated, slurred her words, the home
was in disarray and filthy and had cats on the loose. She says
she was sober and has no pets. The parts of her home shown on
camera show no signs of disarray. March 2012.
Indiana foster girl Quinnasha Henderson has cancer with poor
prospects. Her little chance of survival is impaired by the
delays imposed by child protection bureaucracy. WISH-TV
February 14, 2012. Quinnasha died September 5.
In two and a half minutes this interview with Commissioner Ron
Richter of New York City ACS averages one error of fact every 15
seconds. How else can you get the public to support child
snatching? December 2011.
Dr Kelechi Iheagwara shows that advocates of junk science can
look convincing. Years after the
scientific and legal repudiation
of shaken baby syndrome, she touts a hand-held device
measuring one of its purported symptoms, retinal hemorrhaging.
The device was funded by a donation of undisclosed origin. Cui
bono? November 14, 2011.
When foster mother Vicki Lambou lost her wards, a news report
brings out tears, tears rarely shed for real parents. The
reporter never lets on that part of the foster mother's grief
could be for loss of her pay. The children are returning to
their natural family. September 2011.
In the drug war, CPS removes Rachel Harrison from her parents on
account of recreational drug use, then drugs the girl into a
stupor. The parents claim the action is retaliation for their
earlier exposure of CPS. May 19, 2011.
KOCO reports on a low-bidder adoption by John and Sonya Kluth.
February 23, 2011.
Who's your mommy? CTV reports on adoption of older children.
Same-sex couple Andre Fontaine and D'Arcy McPherson adopt John
Daly. Posted to YouTube January 11, 2011.
Drugged-out zombie up for adoption. November, 2010.
Alison Stevens of PAIN works 24/7 to reunite families separated
by British social services.
British investigative journalists Russia Today expose abuses in
adoption, with investigative journalist Christopher Booker and
father John Fowler. Posted to YouTube July 4, 2010.
Johnny Dragomir starved to death in Michigan state care while
his foster carers collected $12,000 per month. Broadcast by
WXYZ in April 2010.
Can you trust a politician who smiles when discussing the death
of a child? Ed Balls demonstrates, April 2010.
CBN reports on Germany's Jugendamt. Posted to YouTube March 22,
After Donald James Lockwood stabbed a children's aid worker,
this news clip focuses on two heroes who came to the aid of the
distressed woman. The presentation diverts attention from the
question of why a man would want to harm a children's aid
worker. Broadcast March 19, 2010.
March 10, 2010. Anglia News, Los Montesinos, Spain. Families
Flee Britain to keep their babies.
Bakersfield California DHS and surrounding streets were shut
down because of a bomb scare. Cause: box of nature and
wildlife VHS tapes. March 2010.
CPS makes Munchausen allegations against Jennifer Weber (mother
of Landon) and Devona Burt (mother of Byson). Both had severe
medical problems at birth. Jennifer is promised her boy back,
the Devona is slated for termination. Posted to YouTube March
2, 2010.
Oklahoma DHS child welfare specialist Kristaline Danee Sands is
arrested on February 3 2010 for drunk driving and the next day
for altering a prescription.
In this Connecticut news video, turn off the sound and watch the
cattle-grading of the children as they enter school. January
A report broadcast by KOB-TV Albuquerque on October 13, 2009
about a town hall meeting in Valencia County New Mexico. The
level of anger toward CPS shows why social workers prefer
invitational meetings.
In a case that shows pedophiles don't have to lurk around
playgrounds, long-term CPS worker Mark LeVrier is arrested for
sexually molesting a child. October 21, 2009.
Jenni Brennan finds her baby Jacob's picture on an adoption scam
website, drawing sympathy from the press in Boston. Most
mothers in the same situation get no sympathy because the the
state is posting their child's picture. August, 2009.
A TV report found over 370 Texas child protection workers with
criminal convictions. KEYE Austin, posted to YouTube February 20,
Adoption agency Focus on Children lied to Samoans to get their
children, then lied to American adoptive parents to get their
money. On February 25, 2009 the operators got non-jail
February 27, 2009. Mother Genine Compton faces a fine and jail
time for driving while breastfeeding. From WDTN-TV Dayton Ohio.
KDRV (html)
Wednesday's Child, broadcast on KDRV Medford Oregon, January 21,
2009, advertising two toddler girls, Arianna and Addison, for
adoption. Not mentioned in the story: where the cute girls
came from.
Posted to YouTube December 27, 2008, from KRIV Fox-26 Houston.
CPS in Texas filed an affidavit with the courts stating,
"Baby's mom was positive for illegal drugs." CPS said the house
was unclean and unfit for the baby. CPS LIED! For once, their
lies did not work. Drug test - NEGATIVE Condition of House -
Judge wanted to know why this statement was in the affidavit if
known to be untrue.
In seven weeks infant was in foster care she came home with a
severe sunburn, diaper rash with pustules, asthma requiring
breathing treatments throughout the day!
There is more and as time permits, we will post more.
This baby is so fortunate to have a mother and father who
love her dearly, and a grandmother you do not want to mess with!
The baby is Rachel Harrison, daughter of David and Christina
Children Will Die. After toddlers Skydawn Word and Raymond
Palmer died in Oklahoma foster homes in one week, DHS spokesman
George Johnson said "children will die", and blamed parents for
the conduct that gets kids into foster care. True, even
children are mortal, but they become ten times more mortal when
they enter foster care. From a TV broadcast July 2008.
Mother Nicola Luzyn fled New Zealand taking her three youngest
children Rebecca Jonathan and Julia to safety in England when
threatened by CYF. Father Andy and their oldest son Michael
stayed behind in New Zealand.
The second video shows the Orwellean response to the Luzyn
case by Ray Smith of CYF.
Both posted to YouTube July 11, 2008.
In July 2008 Californians Chaudhry Sharif and Fakhere Afzal took
their baby daughter to the emergency room. CPS took both their
daughters and terminated parental rights while ignoring medical
evidence of innocence. From KTXL.
Posted May 29, 2008. When hundreds of children were seized from
the FLDS ranch near Eldorado Texas in April, 2008, the press
reported that sixteen-year-old Sarah, was forcibly married as
the seventh wife of Dale Barlow, gave birth to his child at age
15 and was pregnant again, she was beaten by her husband while
other women held her baby, children were locked in closets and
deprived of nutrition, there was a conjugal bed in the temple
where marriages were consummated and most of the teenaged girls
were pregnant or already mothers. Eventually every one of these
accusations was found to be false. When the Texas courts
ordered the children returned for lack of evidence of abuse,
Nancy (dis) Grace added new accusations of voyeurism,
exhibitionism, sadism, incest, beating, brutality and
waterboarding of babies.
CBS-TV Los Angeles, posted to YouTube May 22, 2008. Foster
children are given psychotropic drugs, not for their medical
needs, but to shut them down and increase funding.
November, 2006. 17-year-old Tammy is reunited with her mother
Yvonne Coulter after a sham adoption. The pretext was a bruised
cheek on the baby girl from an accidental fall.
October 24, 2006. Australian police raid a family to take a
baby because of gossip.
April 21, 2007 (YouTube). Fox News reporter Douglas Kennedy
exposes the connection between school shootings and SSRI drugs.
Video news report of Jessica LaBoy, mother jailed for refusing
to disclose the whereabouts of her children to child protectors.
The undated report is probably from year 2005. Posted to
YouTube July 20, 2006.
Kids in Crisis
This MS-NBC report follows the story of a family from the time a
teenaged girl accuses her stepfather of abuse. The authorities
convince the parents to admit abuse on promise of getting their
kids back, then double-cross them. In the end, the family is
permanently destroyed. There is no video, only a
transcript. October 9, probably 2005.
Forced Adoption UK. Published on Mar 23, 2015
Great Britain is one of two European countries where “forced
adoption” takes place, whereby a child’s biological parents are
given no say in the decision. The alleged motive for the practice
is putting the child’s interests first but opponents insist that
social workers often abuse their powers simply to meet targets.
Many families have been forced to flee the country, just to keep
their kids.
Exposure - Don't Take My Child. Broadcast on Britain's ITV on
July 15, 2014. This documentary exposes the adoption of thousands
of British children annually without parental consent. One case
mentioned is that of
Divorce Corp. A professional documentary movie exposes corruption
within the family court system. The magnet link is for
bittorrent, the movie website is
Divorce Corp.
The Stealing of American Children. A documentary on CPS in
Washington State. It includes interviews with state senator Pam
Roach, mother Kris Warren, former Spokane councilman Bob Apple,
judge DeAnn Salcido, attorney Gary Treble and CPS worker Everett
Hunter, A corrected version may be posted.
Don't mess with BACA. Bikers Against Child Abuse stick up for
abused children. Posted November 25, 2013.
This is a documentary done by Carla Reid and Franny Plumridge, two
university students who were raised in the country 16,000
kilometres apart (Carla in Australia, Franny in Canada), but both
encouraged by their parents to actively explore and experience
their world. Their rural Free-Range upbringing and shared passion
for filmmaking inspired them to investigate the important issue of
overprotective parenting in a documentary film. ‘Playtime’
explores raising Free-Range kids in this wonderful, seductive, and
fast-paced technological world. The film was produced for
Documentary Production, Ryerson University 2012: Carla Reid –
Director, Cinematographer & Co-Editor Franny Plumridge –
Producer & Co-Editor. April 2013.
Torn Apart: Forced to give up child. Global TV broadcast May
5, 2012. Unwed mothers were compelled to give up their babies
at birth. Some were drugged into submission, others were
falsely informed that their baby had died.
Protecting Our Children (BBC), January 2012. BBC video is not
available to Canadians but the magnet link will work with
The video by the BBC is sympathetic to social workers, but
manages to show many abuses of the child protection system. The
opening announces correctly that social workers are the most
hated professionals. The BBC elected to film the case of a
culturally downscale family with an obese mother, minimizing
viewer sympathy for the targets, Mike, Tiffany and their
three-year-old son Toby. Mike catches on immediately with his
statement "You are out to wreck us", though it takes the workers
themselves and the BBC a lot longer. When parents can't explain
a bruise it is a point against them. Experts who have seen the
child for minutes claim more authority than parents who have
watched a child for years. The family has to put up with new
people entering their home regularly. At a case conference, the
two unassisted parents have no chance of prevailing in a meeting
staffed with a half-dozen professionals from social services.
Workers in the meeting use the word "services" to indicate
orders delivered under threat. "Only a judge can decide to
remove Toby from his parents" says the narrator, though in
hundreds of real cases examined by fixcas, all child removals
occurred before the parents had an opportunity to defend
themselves in court. Social workers say the home is dirty, yet
the parts shown by the camera are sanitary. Social workers try
to sucker dad into giving his son up for one night of foster
care while Tiffany is hospitalized, but he refuses. Toby is
never fooled, he knows it's trouble when the workers try to take
him. "See you in court" says the defiant dad. No way. The
court acts ex parte, and he never sees anything. The
workers have fresh evidence of abuse: dad put Toby's shoes on
the wrong feet. Toby goes into foster care and the parents are
reduced to three hours visitation a week, visitation with a social worker taking notes
on a pad. Tiffany gives birth after Toby is seized, and
that baby, born two months premature, goes into foster care
immediately on exit from the hospital. Following the loss of
their children, the marriage dissolves. In the end Tiffany
capitulates and consents to adoption of both children. The
social workers show pride in their accomplishment. January 15,
Expecting Trouble.
The second episode goes after another family with little to
offer. You won't find it hard to dislike father Shaun. The
narrator says he has a history of criminal violence, he is
riddled with tattoos, has a chip on his shoulder and can't stop
drinking, the camera even catches him taking a few swigs. The
social workers act in a way that would drive any man to drink.
They have already taken three children from the family and have
their eyes on the one not yet born. Social workers strive to
keep the baby safe. In their world view that means eradicating
all traces of masculinity, even the canine variety. Through
inducements not shown on camera they get Marva to leave Shaun.
When the baby boy, named Beep, is born, social workers let Marva
care for him in a shelter. But weeks later Marva returns to
Shaun. Social workers shed tears over the failure of their
shotgun divorce, and place baby Beep for adoption.
I Want My Baby Back.
In episode three the principal case is of mother Louise and
her baby Mercedes. There is no need to break up mom and dad in
this case, Louise is already living with stepdad Wayne. Once
again, these parents have nothing to offer, and will draw no
sympathy from the viewer. Louise is a long-term drug abuser.
Social workers demand not only that she give up illegal drugs,
but her prescription medicine as well. In her case, the social
worker looks like a wicked witch. Of course the mother cannot
satisfy the demands of the workers, and Mercedes is placed with
her grandmother.
A sidebar concerns a 14-month-old baby boy possibly sexually
abused. The man in the house was interviewed by police who took
no action, and a medical exam found no sexual abuse. But he
changed nappies/diapers. Q.E.D. Social workers spend 15
minutes threatening the mother, but she holds her ground. The
baby is removed.
In a second sidebar, a child is removed from a home with a
clogged toilet.
Overall from all three episodes, the attitude of social
workers when dealing with parents is accurate, based on
comparison with the experiences of hundreds of real families
subject to intervention, though social workers clean up their
act when they know the camera is watching. Workers repeatedly
assure parents "We are not here to take children", but they do
nothing else. The discussions of social workers among
themselves lack credibility. On camera, they show a lot more
concern for family reunification than in actual practice. The
video shows social workers saying on camera that they do not
have the power to remove a child on their own, they need court
approval first. But it shows them doing the opposite. The
selection of clients is not at all accurate. In the real world
most targeted families are headed by single mothers. There are
few of the hopeless misfits selected by the BBC.
Michigan's Wendrow family fell for the junk-science theory of
facilitatied communication as a means of helping their autistic
daughter. When the daughter, through a novice facilitator,
accused the father of rape, the children were seized by child
protectors and the parents were arrested and jailed. Broadcast
by ABC 20/20 on January 6, 2012.
The DSM: Psychiatry's Dealiest Scam. Uploaded December 9,
2011. Produced by CCHR.
Powerful as God. A documentary on Ontario's children's aid
societies by Esther Buckareff. Available through bittorrent and
the blakout website. Links for reviews:
IMDB page.
Pop quiz: When does learning begin? Answer: Before we are
born. Science writer Annie Murphy Paul talks through new
research that shows how much we learn in the womb -- from the
lilt of our native language to our soon-to-be-favorite foods.
Annie Murphy Paul investigates how life in the womb shapes who
we become.
Babies learn who their real mother is before birth. July
ABC 20/20 broadcast this program on psychotropic drugs
administered to foster children on December 2, 2011. It does a
good job of showing the problem, but it suggests the solution is
a treatment center and adoption. Richard Wexler has a scathing
commentary on Kentucky's
Maryhurst Treatment Center (pdf). A better solution is not
putting kids in the care of strangers or institutions.
NPR page
[3] (mp3)
A three-part NPR radio series on the seizure of native American
children from their families in South Dakota. It deals with the
separation, the effects, and the financial incentives and
conflicts of interest. Broadcast October 25-27, 2011.
The report was criticized a
year and a half later.
Overruled. Documentary showing how state protection of children
conflicts with parental rights. November 18,
Deutsche Welle on the forced separation of parents and children
in communist east Germany. May 2011.
DEAD WRONG - How Psychiatric Drugs Can Kill Your Child
The CCHR produced this story of the mayhem caused by
psychiatric drugs, told through the voice of the mother of
Matthew Sean Steubing, a teenager who committed suicide on July
18, 2003 after receiving a prescription for Lexapro. The
documentary includes the views of professionals and parents of
other children adversely affected by drugs. While the
psychiatric industry pays lip service to close observation of
patients, families consistently report getting a prescription
after only 15 minutes of consultation, with little follow-up.
The paragraph below is the blurb accompanying the YouTube
posting of April 16, 2011.
Psychiatric disorders are not medical diseases. There are no
lab tests, brain scans, X-rays or chemical imbalance tests that
can verify any mental disorder is a physical condition. The
Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging and The Marketing of
Madness: Are We All Insane? comes this searing new
documentary, exposing how devastating—and deadly—psychiatric
drugs can be for children and families. Behind the grim
statistics of deaths, suicides, birth defects and serious
adverse reactions is the human face of this global drugging
epidemic—the personal stories of loss and courage of those who
paid the real price. Psychiatrists claim their drugs are safe
for children? Once you hear what eight brave mothers, their
families, health experts, drug counselors and doctors have to
say instead, you will come away convinced of one thing...
Psychiatrists are DEAD WRONG.
Trailer for DHS - Give Us Back Our Children. Because of
the copyright monster, we will not be able to post the whole
Filmmaker Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy takes on a terrifying question:
How does the Taliban convince children to become suicide
bombers? Propaganda footage from a training camp is intercut
with her interviews of young camp graduates. A shocking vision.
— blurb for February 2010 talk from TED.
The first step is separating children from their parents. In
institutional care, they are isolated from normal life and lead
an existence inferior to the glory awaiting them in martyr's
Innocence Destroyed. This is a professionally produced
documentary. Mr Bowen passed away in August 2010 before
completing his planned expansion to a full-length documentary.
Posted to YouTube September 14, 2009. Local copies:
[1] [2] [3] all flv.
flv one
flv two
Kids Jailed for Cash? ABC 20/20 broadcast March 27, 2009. Two
Pennsylvania judges are convicted after sending large numbers of
juveniles to jail in exchange for kickbacks from the private
January 8, 2008. The Medicated Child, by PBS Frontline. A
generation of American children is now being used as
experimental animals for improvised psychiatric experimentation
to determine which if any psychotropic medications can improve
behavior. Local copies:
(all flv).
January 21, 2008. The Lobotomist, on PBS, with magnet link for
bittorrent. This is a TV biography of Walter Freeman,
1895-1972, pioneer and messianic practitioner of lobotomy,
severing the connection between the frontal lobe and the rest of
the brain. Removing their human characteristics turned patients
into docile zombies. The first psychotropic drugs were welcomed
by psychiatry because they achieved the same purpose as
Failing Jeffrey, broadcast April 12, 2006 by the CBC Fifth
Estate. Jeffrey Baldwin was removed from his parents by Toronto
CCAS and placed with his grandparents. The grandparents starved
him to death. After the fact, journalists discovered the
grandparents had been previously convicted of killing a child.
The html link shows the program in a small window, copy the wvx
link into a media player for a larger picture. Pat Niagara
captured the mp4 version.
Gary Null
A powerful video titled
The Drugging of our Children,
includes inteviews at all levels from senior administrators and
psychiatrists to drugged children. The Google blurb is below:
1 hr 43 min 4 sec - 20-Oct-2005
In the absence of any objective medical tests to determine
who has ADD or ADHD, doctors rely in part on standardized
assessments and the impressions of teachers and guardians
while the they administer leave little room for other causes
or aggravating factors, such as diet, or environment. Hence,
diagnosing a child or adolescent with ADD or ADHD is often the
outcome, although no organic basis for either disease has yet
to be clinically proven. Psychiatrists may then prescribe
psychotropic drugs for the children without first making it
clear to parents that these medications can have severe
side-effects including insomnia, loss of appetite, headaches,
psychotic symptoms and even potentially fatal adverse
reactions, such as cardiac arrhythmia. And yet, despite these
dangers, many school systems actually work with government
agencies to force parents to drug their children, threatening
those who refuse with the prospect of having their children
taken from the home unless they cooperate.
Children's Rights Inc does an excellent job of showing the
failings of the foster care system. Toward the end, their
promotion shows some of the cooperation, or collusion, between
state child protection systems and Children's Rights. A more
recent effort by the same organization is
If I Could Have My Childhood Back
Thousands of children were separated from their parents in
Quebec and raised under atrocious conditions. When it suits
their purposes, the CBC can tell the story succinctly as in the
excerpt below from their web page on the Duplessis orphans. The
purpose in this case is to place the blame for the tragic era on
the Catholic Church. None of the outrage over past atrocities
has altered today's policies of taking children from their
During the reign of Quebec Premier Maurice Duplessis in the
1940s and 1950s, an alarming number of healthy children living
in sanctuaries were hastily diagnosed as mentally incompetent,
psychotic patients. The diagnoses were always swift —
the children went to bed orphans and woke up psychiatric
patients. The reason? Shrewd fiscal planning; federal
subsidies paid out more to hospitals than to orphanages. Some
children allegedly endured lobotomies, electroshock,
straitjackets and abuse. For the rest of their lives they
would struggle to bring attention to their story and demand
compensation. They called themselves the Duplessis Orphans.
At the age of 35, film maker Gil Cardinal, raised by foster
parents, finds his natural roots.
Rabbit-proof Fence
This is the best movie on foster care. In 1931 the Australian
government took three part-aboriginal girls (half-castes in the jargon
of the time) from a family into "care", actually a dormitory and
training school for servant work. The three escape and the oldest,
14-year-old Holly, leads them home. When the other inmates realize at
roll call that three have successfully escaped, they give a loud cheer.
How does a 14-year-old girl get across 1200 miles of desert? She has
bush-smarts. She gets help from an assortment of passers-by, steals
eggs from a chicken farmer, even finds a home with an aboriginal maid.
When she has to go east, she looks at the desert sun for bearings, then
heads in the right direction. In the end, two girls make it home, one
is recaptured. The final scenes show the 85-year-old Holly, and tell
of her own children being abducted into the system a decade later.
The movie faithfully depicts the bigotry of the authorities who are
mystified by the aborigines refusal to accept their services.
Dear Zachary
Dear Zachary. This documentary tells the true story of a young
Pennsylvania doctor. After he breaks up with his girlfriend,
she murders him and flees to Canada. When she turns out to be
pregnant with his child, the doctor's parents get the only
grandson they will ever have. Canadian courts let the killer go
free on bail while awaiting extradition and give her custody of
the child over objections of the grandparents. This case
exemplifies the total failure of the criminal and family court
system. Perhaps, as the grandparents believe, the judges failed
to recognize the character of the homicidal mother. Or maybe
with their years of experience they did. Family courts direct
revenue to their colleagues in the bar when they routinely give
custody to a dysfunctional mother, requiring the father, in this
case the grandparents, to expend large sums to right the wrong.
Dear Zachary can be viewed online at
supernovatube or
The Handmaid's Tale
This movie made in 1989 shows a dystopic future in which fertile
young women are conscripted to be child-bearers for influential
couples. Real love is extinct, children are separated from the
bio-parents at birth to be raised by their patrons. Feminist
Margaret Atwood created this vision as a criticism of a world
without feminine influence. An irony is that in the two decades
since the movie, feminism has become one of the intellectual
justifications for the construction of a world in which children
are routinely separated by force from their birth families to be
given to more politically influential individuals or groups.
One difference from Atwood — today's religion is not that of the
bible, but political correctness.
2010, starring Samuel L Jackson and Michael Sheen. In this
story of nuclear ticking bombs, the suspected bomber, Yusef Atta
Mohammad formerly Steven Arthur Younger (Sheen), is tortured
from the moment of capture in an effort to get him to reveal the
location of his bombs. He resists standard hooded interrogation
by military staff, then super-torturer H (Jackson) takes over.
H smashes the prisoners finger with a hammer, applies a plastic
mask to restrict breathing, attacks his testicles with a knife,
applies stress positions, electric shock and a dental drill in
his teeth, To avoid legal qualms, Younger's citizenship is
Real progress occurs only when the prisoner's wife Jehan is
threatened. If she does not cooperate she will be charged with
aiding terrorism and her children will be placed in foster care.
H seats Jehan in front of Younger, then kills her by slashing
her throat. Next step: bring in Younger's two children and
seat them in front of Younger and the homicidal H. Younger
reveals the location of the bombs.
This website has noted many times that threats against wives
and children are not fiction, but are routine in US and Canadian
police work. For a Tennessee case, listen to a 45 minute
recording of the interrogation of Lester
Eugene Siler.
The Yarn Princess
Movie about child protection, not available from any known source.
Men Don't Tell
A TV movie aired by CBS on March 14, 1993. It deals with the extremely
politically incorrect topic of family violence committed by women.
When wife Laura (Judith Light) initiates a fight, neighbors call the
police. The cops blame husband Ed (Peter Strauss). Laura even attacks
Ed in his sleep. Still, the story clearly shows that Laura is not a
monster — she is a tragic woman with a fatal flaw. One event that was
plausible two decades ago but not today: when Laura is revealed as the
aggressor, Ed gets exclusive custody of the children. The whole movie,
in a poor copy maybe from an old VCR tape, is on
YouTube, at least
until the copyright monster bites.
Review by Erika Klein:
Monday, February 25, 2008
Babies,Ipods and The Like..
I am sooo glad the movie Juno didn't win any major Oscars
last night. Even though I champion Canadian actors and film
makers, Juno was the 'jagged little pill' I just couldn't
swallow. Though I'm sure the people involved in this film may
very well possess talent - the storyline following a 16 yr old
pregnant girl looking for adopters did not portray reality.
Juno took only one award for best original screenplay.
The only people who seemed to enjoy the film were either
people looking to adopt or people who have had no experience
with adoption personally. The wise cracking teenager made
comments like "You shoulda went to China lady they give away
babies like Ipods". This was only the beginning.
The film seemed to sugar coat over the most painful and
traumatic experiences a first mother goes through. Even when
it is an informed choice, it does not take away the loss.
Relinquishing children for adoption brings with it a life long
loss that never seems to go away. The Hollywood happily ever
after just doesnt wash with me.
Juno makes it seem like surrendering a child for adoption
is a trendy even cool thing to do. While the shame of
pregnancy out of wedlock is slowly being taken away - a new
set of ideals are being presented to us via movies and the
These new ideals are what continue to pervade adoption.
They are just more myths. The myth that a 16 yr old cannot be
helped to raise her own child. The myth that a mother can
choose adopters and have an 'open adoption'. The myth that a
young mother could walk away without any grief or anguish.
The myth that babies are property and can be exchanged to
someone 'better'. The myth that giving your child away does
no damage. The myth that a bond between a mother and child
isn't of any value.
At the very least, Juno did provide an opportunity to
parents to openly discuss sexuality and related issues with
our children. If anything this movie served as a warning.
Tell your daughters adoption does not look like this. Juno
was a far cry from what most first mothers go through. I'm
elated Juno did not take home a major win.
Case 39
Filmed 2006, US release 2010. Before getting to the plot, this
movie introduces the main character, social worker Emily Jenkins
(Renée Zellweger) through the distortion of political
correctness. Hopelessly overworked, Jenkins is driven solely by
the motive of helping children and families, and is their last
resort in a crisis. Jenkins enters the home of an abusive
family without a policeman to serve as bodyguard. Efforts to
intervene are constrained by fear of lawsuits from aggrieved
parents. Jenkins risks her life to rush to the home of an
abusive family just in time to keep them from killing their
child. Instead of a foster home, Jenkins takes the fearful
child into her own apartment. Restraining orders? They are
good for families because they give both partners time apart to
work out their problems.
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
A musical fantasy released in 1968. The villain is a character Child Catcher
played by Robert Helpmann. When two children enter the kingdom of Vulgaria where the
ruler has banished all children, Child Catcher has the job of snatching the newcomers.
He searches their quarters unsuccessfully, then lures them into his cage with lollipops
and slams the gate shut behind them, then transports them to a cell in a tower. When
this movie was made Child Catcher was a fantasy. Today he is not.
These articles date from before the fixcas blog existed.
Dave Brown
Dave Brown is a now retired reporter for the Ottawa Citizen. We have
stored a collection of 34 of his articles on the subject of Children's
Akka Gordon was a caseworker for New York ACS for a year in 1998-99.
She writes of her experiences. Workers are pressed to classify every
child's home as dangerous. The main condition for hiring is that the
applicant is alive. A caseworker gets fired for telling a judge the
Nev Moore
Nev Moore in the Sierra Times describes the processes that amount to
defrauding the appropriations for child protection. (October
Logan Marr
local pdf
In January 2001 5-year-old Logan Marr died at the hands of employees of
the Maine Department of Human Services. These reports by Terrilyn
Simpson, as long as a short novel, are in pdf. The first deals with
the seizure and murder of Logan, the second, written four years later,
describes the indifference of elected politicians to parents. She
mentions this photograph of
Governor Angus King brandishing duct tape. Here is another
program by