![]() | Dufferin | ANNUAL |
For the Year 2000/2001 | June 19, 2001 |
Report of the President and Executive Director:
Each year, through this report, we set out a summary of the previous year's activities. Looking back over the reports of the past several years, a common theme emerges. Each introduction seems to involve a beginning statement about the increasing change and growth in our agency. This year is no exception and once again the following summarizes the growing work and many accomplishments which occurred over the past year. The past year was dominated by two major service events. The introduction of two new programs in our children's Mental Health Service and the continued growth in our Child Protection Service, driven by the new child and Family Services Act and the new funding formula for children's aid societies. In late spring of 2000, the Ministry of Community and Social Services announced new funding to establish, in each community, two new program.: Intensive Child and Family Intervention and Mobile Crisis. Our agency began a process in partnership with the Ministry and other local service providers, to determine who would provide these new services in Dufferin County. At the end of the process, in July 2000, it had been determined that DCAFS would be the service provider for both programs in Dufferin. The funding for these two programs represented a 74% increase in our children's mental health budget and would provide intensive interventions for twenty children/youth and their families and immediate crisis response to an estimated two hundred and fifty children/youth each year. With these new services and a growing child protection staff, the agency began exploring options for needed office space in January 2001. In April, the agency purchased the former office of the law firm of Wardlaw, Mullin, Carter and Thwaites at 235 Broadway and the Children's Mental Health Service was relocated there in June of this year. The proclamation of the revised Child and Family Services Act in March 2000 along with an increasing awareness of the importance of reporting abuse and neglect has had a significant affect on our child protection service. In 1998/1999 total intakes were 582, while in 2000/2001 the number of intakes had increased to 742, a 28% increase in three years. The most significant change in this time is the number of children placed in the agency's care. In March 1998 total children-in-care numbered 51, while at March 31, 2001 the number had increased to 84, a 65% increase. This trend is not specific to Dufferin, as the growth in services has been felt province wide. Compared to provincial service figures, Dufferin's protection services per population base are equal to the provincial averages. Although our growth has been significant, it is well within the limits of the average provincial experience. To manage this service growth, we have had to increase our staff and our placement resources. Our placement needs have long ago passed our available foster care resources and we are in desperate need for new foster families in Dufferin. While children-in-care have increased by 65%, available foster homes have increased by only 38%. In addition, we are undertaking the development of local licensed residential programs to stem the need to place Dufferin children/youth in outside communities. The above are only two developments over the past year, not to mention: community planning to implement a supervised access visiting centre for Dufferin, a child welfare review by MCSS with a 100% compliance rate, passing of new corporate by-laws, introduction of LAC (Looking After Children) with our children's service team, ongoing development of the Board's governance capacity, and the replacement of Pat Morrison as Manager of Finance and Administration after thirty dedicated years. Again our sincere thanks goes out to our staff, our foster parents, volunteers and community partners with whom we would not have accomplished any of the above.
In 2000, no employees were paid salary as defined in
the Public Sector Disclosure Act 1996, of $100,000 or
more by the Children's Aid Society of the County of
Dufferin. Staff at June 19, 2001: Central Shared Services Gary Putman, Executive Director Pat Morrison, Manager Finance and Administration * Don Skorez, Manager Finance and Administration Irene Beazley, Senior Administrative Assistant Isabel Castle, Administrative Assistant Elizabeth Wright, Receptionist Renee Deveaux, Bookkeeper Vacant, Financial Clerk Marg White, Technical Support Assistant Matt Rimmer, Technical Support Specialist (C/PT) Child Protection Service Kim Evans, Program Manager - Child Protection Intake Jennifer Wilson, Intake Assistant Trish Grabb, Intake Worker Dawn Franks, Intake Worker Danielle Mink, Intake Worker Gwen Bailey, Intake Worker Lynne Fadden, Intake Worker Kim James, Intake Worker (on secondment) Susan Wagner, After Hours Worker, Child Protection (PT) Bill Moroz, After Hours Worker, Child Protection (PT) Jennifer Moore, Program Manager, CP & Family Services Kim James, Acting Program Manager Jackie Ashmore, CP & Family Service Worker Diane Maloney, CP & Family Service Worker (PT) Tara Westergaard, CP & Family Service Worker Rumina Cassidy, CP & Family Service Worker Anita Arnold, CP & Family Service Worker Elyse Coleman, CP & Family Service Worker (C) Linda Gibson, CP & Family Service Worker (C) Pat Mason - Program Manager, Children-In-Care Lois Stainton, Children's Service Worker Suzanne Vanstone, Children's Service Worker Jennifer Dyment, Children's Service Worker (C) Jennifer Foster, Children's Service Worker Liane Westlake, Children's Service Worker Maureen Tegart, Children's Service Worker (PT) Tanya Levy, Adoption Worker (PT) Carrie Jongkind, Children Support Worker, Access Debbie Smith, Program Manager, Placement Resources Wendy Anderson, Placement Resource Worker Diane Maloney, Placement Resource Worker (PT) Tanya Levy, Placement Resource Worker (PT) Jacqueline Moore, Co-ordinator Community Awareness (C/PT) Children's Mental Health Service Shirley Hackman - Program Manager Donna Lewis, Intake Assistant Vacant, Receptionist (PT) Gloria Campbell - Senior Child & Family Therapist Christine Nicholson, Child & Family Therapist Bruce Roblin, Child & Family Therapist Heather Williamson, Child Sexual Assault Therapist (PT) Dolf Schoenmakers, Intensive Child & Family Therapist Janice Hames, Intensive Child & Family Therapist Susan Wagner, After Hours Worker, Crisis (PT) Bill Moroz, After Hours Worker, Crisis (PT) Tina Hinsperger, Co-ordinator, Family Visit Centre (PT) Vacant, On Site Supervisor (PT) Vacant, On Site Supervisor (PT) Dr. Greg Finlayson (Consulting Psychologist) Dr. Susan Bradley (Consulting Psychiatrist) Developmental Support Service Dorothy McLachlan, Program Manager (PT) Nina Little-Alcorn, Parent Infant Consultant Susan Douglas, Parent Infant Consultant Wendy Mobbs, Parent Infant Consultant (PT) Dorothy McLachlan, Community Resource Worker (PT) Diane Schneyderberg, Community Resource/Relief Richard Beaudoin, Community Resource Worker Summer Students Michelle Woodward (C) Kim Breen (C) Law Firm: Wardlaw, Thwaites & Ward (Child Protection) Carter & Associates (Corporate) Auditors: BDO Dunwoody
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| (photograph) 235 Broadway
Service | Revenue | Actual Expenditures | Variance |
Child Protection Service | $3,405,461 | $3,480,389 | $(74,928) |
Children's Mental Heath Service | $680,753 | $679,592 | $1,161 |
Developmental Support Service | $957,024 | $944,863 | $12,161 |
Children's Fund | $55,535 | $36,734 | $18,801 |
Note: Full Audited Financial Statements are distributed separately
SUMMARY STATISTICS | Child Protection Service | Children In Care | Children's Mental Heath Service | Community Support Service | TOTAL |
Referrals/Admits | 742 | 76 | 322 | 109 | 1,249 |
Cases Opened | 367 | 76 | 241 | 103 | 787 |
Total Cases Served | 456 | 144 | 375 | 309 | 1,284 |
Days Care | n/a | 30,163 | n/a | n/a | 30,163 |
(three photographs of a young woman, one on horseback)
Krystina Boardman October 29, 1983-June 4, 2001
(This was written by Krystina on February 21, 2002 after the death of Frank-Fawzi Kaileh)
"I don't think death is a bad thing. I think that when we "die", we do come back in some form, whether it be in spirit, animals, water, air, anything that your soul really desires. I guess I'm not scared to die at all because I feel (or) believe that when I do, I'll be happy. I will hopefully die only after I have done all (or) most of those the things I want to do in my life, but even if I do die before I am able to do all of those things, I think I'll still be happy. I believe that I will come back as maybe part of the sun, so when I beat down from the sky people mourning can feel my warmth and heat and love on their faces. Or maybe water, I think I'd like my spirit to come back as water because I have a phobia of water (boats and lake water). So I never go swimming for fear of drowning; then finally one day I'll be free in water to learn to swim for the rest of my "after-life".
I don't want people to be sad when I die, I'd rather them rejoice on all of the good things in my life, not the sad fact that "I'm gone".
I'm an organ donor when I die, then after they take everything out of me they need to help others, they can cremate me and spread me out over water to swim."