Welcome to our exclusive gang of child snatchers
British Social Worker Rules and Regulations
Please note, if you want to become a
BRITISH SOCIAL WORKER, and work in the childrens department you
have to obey our rules, which are as follows:
1. Child Snatching
2. Children
3. Babies
4. Mothers
5. Witch-Doctors
6. Fathers
7. Family Courts
8. Power
1. CHILD SNATCHING; If mothers or
fathers come to you for help, pretend to sympathise. Then if they
have just ONE difficult child, or a husband, wife, or partner with
"learning difficulties", an alcohol or drug related problem, or even a
10 year old conviction for violence in a pub, go to one of our
friendly courts and get an emergency protection order without
telling the parents. This means that you can go in the middle of
the night with the police to drag the children out of bed and take
ALL the children into care. Remember, the children are
always better off with social services than they are with the sort
of parents who are naive enough to come to us for advice and
assistance. The mothers and fathers we target just do not have our
qualifications in sociology. Luckily these idiot parents do not realise
that whenever they turn to us for help, more often than not
we take all their children
away! Sometimes parents even cooperate with us because we tell them
that if they agree to the care orders we will return the children after
a few weeks... If they are stupid enough to actually believe this they
deserve to lose their kids for good and believe me that is exactly what
does happen to them!
If you yourself have an unhappy or non-existent family life you are an ideal candidate to become a social worker.
When you get used to breaking up other people's families and
taking their children you will forget your own troubles and it will
make you feel great. Remember however that if you come across a brutal
family where a child is covered in bruises or cigarette burns (like
Victoria Climbé) and they threaten you if you look too nosey,
then clear out in a hurry and leave them alone. Nobody can expect you
to risk your own safety just to grab a child who would probably be
better off dead anyway. Beware also of visiting homes with children who
have scabies or other infections. Never risk picking up a disease
yourself, just get as far away as possible and
leave the little brats to infect each other while you delete the house
from your visiting list.
Top of page - British Social Worker Rules and Regulations: Child Snatching - Children - Babies - Mothers - Witch-Doctors - Fathers - Family Courts - Power
2. CHILDREN; Older children must be put into our
special care homes. preferably in North Wales or
Islington where as you probably know they were
constantly sexually abused by the carers before they were sent out
to work as prostitutes and rent boys to earn money for us all. Do not
worry about publicity as the former Minister for children MARGARET
HODGE has already had practice in Islington in concealing the simple
but glorious fact that kids are far more likely to be abused in
the clutches of us social workers than if they stayed at
home with their own idiot parents !! Two frightened social workers (maybe
trying to save their own skins?) naively reported the naughty
goings on in Islington to her so of course she furiously
reprimanded them, poured scorn on their revelations, forbade them to
pursue the matter, and ordered them on no account to let any
parents know of their fears. Later however a former inmate blew
the whistle on television about the sexual abuse he had suffered so
Margaret called him a mentally disturbed person She had to
publicly apologise later and paid £10,000 damages when
he commenced legal proceedings but the rest of us carried on
as usual not in the least upset by a few miserable spoilsports who
dared to try and thwart the plans and amusements of the social
services. Some of our carers from Islington and North Wales went
to prison but believe me if you are discreet there is no risk of that
happening to you.!
Luckily the ignorant public
just do not realise that children in our tender care living in our
"special" childrens homes stand 100 times more chance of being
abused by the splendid team of paedophiles and perverts we employ
there than if they stayed with their own imbecile parents !! At least
we are all professionals !! It costs more than £1800
per week to keep a child in one of our childrens homes. This is
more than 3 times the cost of sending kids to Eton or Harrow,
but then with us they often get very special treatment
Top of page - British Social Worker Rules and Regulations: Child Snatching - Children - Babies - Mothers - Witch-Doctors - Fathers - Family Courts - Power
3. BABIES; If the children are young, or better
still new-born babies, remember that the government
usually rewards your Council through public service agreements if
they manage to take children out of costly fostering situations
and increase the adoption figures. Childless couples do not want
to adopt children, they nearly all want BABIES so the only
way to increase the adoption figures sufficiently to claim the money
from the government is to find reasons to take new-born babies from
mothers who are not capable of defending themselves against false
allegations made by honest upright citizens such as ourselves. We social workers
stick together with NO EXCEPTIONS SO FAR! - No wimps with
overactive consciences; just a happy band of babysnatchers
!! Do not sympathise or show kindness to any of the mothers
when you take their new-born babies away. Just tell this pathetic
bunch of losers that their revolting offspring are
better off with the State and boast with pride about the money
you can get for your County Council and hence your
social service department if you can successfully get the brats
adopted. Some Councils like Kent managed to more than double
adoption figures over a 3 year period 2001-2004 and
Kent was awarded around £20 million for achieving 10 out of 12 targets
set. Target Number One was of course to double adoption
figures over the 3 year period and this was very sucessfully achieved.
There are plenty of professional mothers
with important careers who do not want to bother with pregnancy and
these ladies often already in their forties or fifties seek our active
assistance in legally snatching new-born babies from the mothers we
target for them;
THE RESPECTABLE MIDDLE CLASSES !! That is what social services is
all about !! Over a 4 year period we snatched 440 children simply because their parents had a low income !!
http://www.dfes.gov.uk/adoption/adoptionreforms/CLAbulletin2003-04final1.pdf (see page 12)
Go out now and collect as many babies as you
can. Dig up some irrelevant fault in the mothers past and the
court will almost always give you an emergency protection order when a
new baby is born. This means you can burst in and snatch the new-born
from it's mother's arms. Adoptions are rushed through secretly for new
adoptive parents who never show their faces or reveal where they
live so these babies
never see their wretched mothers again. The joke is that these mothers
are then mostly condemned for life to produce babies for us not
for themselves!! GOOD RIDDANCE to all social misfits especially
mothers who resist our plans; We used to bully unmarried mothers into
giving up their babies in their thousands but now that giving birth to
little bastards seems to be respectable we have to trawl around to
find mothers we can accuse of abuse or neglect even if we have to
manufacture the evidence ourselves. It is all part of the job.
Stop Press !! We have just
heard about a baby born in an isolated stable full of animals,
(most unhygenic !!), and in the depths of winter without any heating or
any medical person in attendance. The mother is quite mad, no sorry,
she has "learning disabilities" as she is quite convinced that
the father is not her husband but God Himself !!! Clearly a case for
social services, and the sooner we can remove this baby and get it
to a foster home ready for adoption the better it will be for all
concerned !!
Top of page - British Social Worker Rules and Regulations: Child Snatching - Children - Babies - Mothers - Witch-Doctors - Fathers - Family Courts - Power
4. MOTHERS; Some mothers will dare to oppose the
care orders or worse still refuse to sign adoption papers. Show no
mercy to these ungrateful women. Encourage your expert barristers
working for Social Services to demolish the character of any parent
opposing you. The court will be secret so if parents
complain to the press or to the public about any so-called
injustice, they will be sent to PRISON for CONTEMPT and serve them
right! You can be sure that their legal aid lawyers are special
friends of ours and will agree with everything we say. They
always instruct the mothers to plead guilty to anything they are
accused of. These lawyers are professional losers who practically
never win a case against us in the family courts ! Once
we get hold of these children we
brainwash them into saying unpleasant things about their parents on
video, then we gradually reduce all contact with their families so we
can finally get the yougest adopted and the others, in permanent
fostering, or better still at our mercy in one of our
very "desireable" childrens homes. Murderers in H. M. prisons
are allowed to phone their families but that is not how we work in
the SS !! We nearly always FORBID kids in our tender "care "
to make or receive telephone calls, and once we have got legal control
of these brats we gradually destroy their so called families
by keeping all parental contact to the absolute minimum, then
eventually stop it altogether. This way kids soon forget their families
and settle into our rather special routine !
Top of page - British Social Worker Rules and Regulations: Child Snatching - Children - Babies - Mothers - Witch-Doctors - Fathers - Family Courts - Power
5. WITCH-DOCTORS Are you sad that
witchcraft trials finished 200 years ago?. Never mind, we revived
it all again with great success in the Orkneys accusing all sorts of
parents of witchcraft and satanic abuse, There was no need
for hard evidence (just a couple of kids who had watched too
much late night tv) as our word is always good enough in secret
family courts. We took away children in the middle of the night from
all over the Orkneys, and we only had to release them in the end
because of interference from the gutter press. Since
then Professor Meadows has proved a wonderful ally and he and his
colleagues have given us literally thousands of babies all put out for
adoption thanks to his idiot theory that if a baby is ill or dies
it is probably the mother harming it deliberately to gain attention for
herself. This way she loses any future babies
as soon as they are born. Who cares if his ideas are crazy? The judge
only has to think mothers are PROBABLY guilty not certainly
guilty so the mothers end up utterly crushed and defeated, and we
collect all the newborn babies!No real proof is needed in family
courts where we social workers and our tame expert friends are always believed no matter what the parents say; It's a doddle!
Top of page - British Social Worker Rules and Regulations: Child Snatching - Children - Babies - Mothers - Witch-Doctors - Fathers - Family Courts - Power
6. FATHERS: Fathers 4 Justice, are most
unpleasant men who dare to question us when we stop them having access
to their children, These little brats are certainly better
off without visits from such unruly men no matter what
the courts have ordered about access. Take no notice of their selfish
demands, The children are better off with us but even if we can't
take them, because their wretched mothers have care
of them at least we can frustrate the fathers who
are even more unpleasant than the mothers . They deserve
eveything they get for trying to upset the order of things that we have
arranged for the benefit of the public. How dare they paint our doors
purple and throw purple powder all over dear Mr Blair in the Commons
just because we let the mothers ignore court orders giving fathers
the right to regular contact with their children. Prison is too good
for these ungrateful hooligans.
We do of course make an
exception for the former Home Secretary, dear Mr
Blunkett ( fresh from his divorce ) who, not content with seducing
Mrs Quinn has gained access to one of her two children on the
grounds that at least one is his rather than her long
suffering husband's !! We applaud his attempts to break up this family
in accordance with our very finest traditions and agree with the judge
who has allowed maximum publicity for the children as their interests
are always paramount (Yes really !), and it must be to their
benefit to be publicly asociated with such a fine upstanding family man !!
Top of page - British Social Worker Rules and Regulations: Child Snatching - Children - Babies - Mothers - Witch-Doctors - Fathers - Family Courts - Power
7. FAMILY COURTS; Let me remind you once again,
that our job is NOT to keep families together, but to SPLIT THEM
UP as often and as completely as we can. To date I can report
record numbers of shattered families and plenty more in the pipeline.
Remember that the end justifies the means. You might think that parents
who are desperate enough to go to court to recover their children
would convince the judge of their love and sincerity and should usually
win. Not on your life!We fight these impertinent purveyors
of sentimental claptrap tooth and nail. We nearly always win
because purely in the public interest we are very economical with the
truth in court and we brainwash the children with constant repetition
to say whatever we want on video. (Even easier for us to do this
to frightened children than for the Iraquis to tame tough US marines so
successfully that they repeated everything they were told to say on
television. )
Only idiots worry about a little harmless
perjury. Christine Purcell a social worker down in Portsmouth was one
idiot who was stupid enough to plead guilty to perjury instead of
bluffing it out like the rest of us. This was a ridiculous thing to do
as we still won the case against a mother who was almost
blind and a father who dared to be "hostile". We
successfully took their 2 little girls away and put
them out for adoption!!
Or get the whole story from our victim Mr Maynard xrs@nildram.co.uk We certainly crushed his pathetic protests !
Once in a while the criminal courts acquit a
parent we have reported for abuse or even murder; Nicky Underdown
was cleared by the Court of Appeal of killing her 14 day old baby and
at first she dared to be happy and triumphant when she was
released from prison; We soon settled her hash !! We held a seperate
hearing 3 months later in our secret famly court and naturally
our family judge decided to completely disregard the Court of Appeal
and forbid her from living with her surviving son until he is 18. We
restricted contact to 4 hours per week under close supervision. That
will teach her and any others like her how useless it is to defy us
and go to those pathetic softies at the court of Appeal
Judges will nearly always believe Social
Services rather than the parents especially as we have a team
of exceptionally well paid medical experts at our disposal to
back us up, who are of course delighted to give the sort of
evidence we require. In addition to this we collect
and report to the court all sorts of malicious
accusations that we claim to have been made by the children, the
neighbours or anyone else we can dig up. Sexual abuse (very sucessfully
used to snatch over a hundred children in Cleveland!!), physical
abuse, and emotional abuse are favourites. We social workers,
children's guardians and tame" experts "unite to spin these tales
in court but there is no need for our other witnesses or the children
themselves to come to court to be questioned. We avoid that at all
costs, especially the children in case they reveal the truth. Rumour
and gossip serve us very well as HEARSAY is our favourite
form of evidence in our secret family courts. No press or public are
allowed in court so we can have a regular field day and parents
cannot complain to the press in case we get them cited for
contempt. (Unlike Canada, Australia New Zealand, and Ireland where we
social workers are left disgracefully unprotected by the absence
of the very necessary secrecy that we enjoy here in the UK.) A
solicitor called Sarah Harman dared to reveal some of our secrets
to her sister Harriet (The Solicitor General), but we soon
got her in very big trouble!!
Article from The Sunday Times
4 December, 2005
Harman's sister attacks Hodge over child cases
| |
Nobody is safe from us in the UK
if they dare to break secrecy!! We on the other hand,
ADVERTISE CHILDREN like pedigree dogs (often when they are
subject only to interim care orders and well before the court has even
met!) We put attractive adverts in adoption magazines such as
Adoption UK (supplement children in waiting),social
service websites , and others such as www.ukkids.info with ethnic
origins(pedigree!), first names, large colour photographs and
birth dates to help neighbours identify these horrible
brats ; plus of course frequent financial rewards for anyone
stupid enough to adopt the little wretches. We also cheerfully
disregard the European Court of Human Rights whenever their wimpish
judges condemn our baby snatching.They fined the UK a derisory sum
for what they dared to call our"draconian" action in snatching a new
born baby from a mother who had never harmed it but who had
offended our US colleagues 5 years earlier. Her baby was by then
well and truly adopted and quite safe from this annoying mother and her
entourage. These European jokers have absolutely no
real power to interfere in what we do !! We just laugh at
this hopeless bunch of nerds !!
(see paras 133, 137, and138)
I am a social worker,
I'm really very nice.
I help you loving mothers,
And give you good advice!
Your partner has departed
Your income is too low.
I'm really very sorry,
All your kids will have to go !
Your partner is abusive?
He beats you black and blue?
We'll soon be there to help you,
And take your children too !
You have a learning problem,
You're really not too clever
We'll get your kids adopted
When can you see them?? NEVER!!
Your son is hyperactive?
You need a brief respite;
We'll soon take ALL your children
Give up the hopeless fight!
Your child was taken into care,
So many years ago
If now you have a baby
That too will have to go!
Foster parents love your kids
To get some more they seek,
For each one brings a tidy sum
£400 per week !!
Children's homes are run by us ,
Where paedophiles abound
Each time we cover up abuse
"The gutter press" come round
"They" said adoptions worked the best
We soon proved that they would
Fathers shout and mothers cry
Their kids are gone for good!
What happens in our special courts?
Our experts they will say
"You're a danger to your children,
So we'll take them all away!"
Your children may be healthy,
Happy and well fed
But one day you might hurt them
That's what our experts said
The judges know that we are right,
With us they will agree
They dare not risk another course
You have no chance you see !
Our special courts are secret,
So don't you breathe a word
Of what goes on inside those walls
No matter how absurd !
We'll get your kids adopted,
And don't you dare complain!
Or you'll end up in prison
And I won't say that again!
We have adoption targets,
They must be met you see,
Failure means a reprimand,
So spare a thought for me !!!
IAN JOSEPHS (a very social worker!)
Regulations: Child Snatching - Children - Babies - Mothers - Witch-Doctors - Fathers - Family Courts - Power
8. POWER; We social workers have more power
than Gordon Brown and Tony Blair put together. Anyone who dares to
publicly criticise in detail what we do in secret ends up in prison for
contempt of court and quite right too!!We now invite you new
recruits to the Social Services to enjoy the POWER you
have as you see the fear and despair in the eyes of women when you
take away their new-born babies. What you are doing is perfectly legal,
and you are entitled to enjoy the power as a perk of your job. The more
you make parents suffer, the better you will feel, The wonderful thing
is that all your actions are legal , justified and above all great
fun!. We know that babies and children
of all ages are better off under the care of the State than they are
with the sort of parents WE target who
are quite obviously a stupid, uneducated, drunken, drugged
up irresponsible lot, who never deserved to have children in the
first place.
http://observer.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0, 6903, 1391537, 00.html
Top of page - British Social Worker Rules and Regulations: Child Snatching - Children - Babies - Mothers - Witch-Doctors - Fathers - Family Courts - Power
By now I am sure you get the general idea so
WELCOME to the UK Social Services!! For more useful
information contact ianjosephs@wanadoo.fr
Please look at the serious reforms I suggest. But not before you have read the next paragraph and reviewed these surprising links !!!
P.S. We British Social Workers had wonderful reviews in The Sunday Times, The Sun, The Telegraph , The Observer,
a report from the Royal Society of Arts listing our outstanding
achievements in 12 different areas of the UK, and of course the BBC News.
Please click on the links in red to enjoy the praise heaped on British social workers by these prestigious newspapers and organisations.
The blue links are sites with a similar theme to ourselves. The green link will connect you to a press photograph of our "SOCIAL WORKER OF THE YEAR" proudly receiving her award!!
Website managers and webmasters with similar
sites are encouraged to add these links to their sites as respected
newspaper articles give extra credence to the points they
wish to make.
http://observer.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0, 6903, 1130638, 00.html
Forced Adoption - More Useful Links
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