A remake of "There was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe"
By Jan Smith
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe
She had so many children, she didn’t know what to do
She gave them all broth without any bread
Then whipped them all soundly and put them to bed
The next day there was a loud knock on the door
And standing behind it were cops lined up four
Along side of them a woman stood with an edict
The court said “take them all” so she heeded it
The mother screamed loudly upon deaf ears
The children hysterically shed many tears
But that didn’t faze the stone faced one
As she pushed and dragged out each little son
The mother watched helplessly as they took her brood
Away, away, as far as they could
She saw her youngest tapping on the glass
Yelling “mommy mommy” as they drove past
The mother collapsed in the driveway
She never got over the trauma they say
Now staring in darkness with a blank sad look
Next to the stack of colorful story books
Things could have been different with a little help
The kids could have stayed instead of the hand that was dealt
Now each child is in prison and a drop out from school
Away from a mother who loved them inside of their shoe