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Rally Schedule
Here are the rallies scheduled for Ontario during 2013. For future rallies the expand block shows the time, date and place along with a way to get in touch with others, usually through Facebook. For past rallies, links to news articles are attached. Links to past years' rallies: 2010 2011 2012.
If you are contemplating attending a rally, see the rules
2nd Annual Liberal Convention Oversight Rally
Event for Stop the Children's Aid Society from taking Children from Good Parents · By Neil Haskett
- When
- Saturday, January 25-27, 2013
Exact date to be announced.- place
- Maple Leaf Gardens 60 Carlton Street Toronto Ontario
Because we need the support of every political party to ensure oversight of the CAS, Long-Term Care, Hospitals etc., we are holding our Second Annual Liberal Convention Rally in January. Last years rally outside the Liberal Convention was a huge success and began to draw support from within their party and it's members. This years Liberal Convention is being held in Toronto and we need your help to continue pressuring elected officials and the people who run the Liberal party to support our Ombudsman Bills when they get reintroduced.
Date/Time: TBA (The weekend between Jan 25~27)
Where: 60 Carlton Street, Toronto
Source: Facebook
Chris Carter It's official.
We are having a rally in front of the St. Catharines courthouse next week Tuesday February 12, 2013 from 10 am-4 pm.
CCW members and others are welcomed to attend and will be attending.
Some of the issues which will be confronted by "the bullhorners" (haha) will be:
1. specific examples of children and families being destroyed by secret CAS-secret court secret malicious secret litigation (see the pattern?) proceedings: when done well, incisively sharing a couple of brief examples of personal stories, yours and/or others that you know of, can have a heavy impact on the passerbys who we hope to influence and win over
2. the issue of unregistered CA$ "child protection workers" doing social work ulawfully and destructively in ON with our most vulnerable children and families since the changes to the laws in 1998-2000 AND the fact that the College which has been set up to protect children and families from this criminality does NOTHING about it
3. specific examples of how the province of ON's legal and bureauractic establishment have not just turned a blind eye to CA$ malfeasance AND have not just passively facilitated it BUT have actually participated in it=see LAO's failure to ever on even one occassion authorize a certificate to parents' lawyers to fight the CFSA's unconstitutionality AND their hoarding CAS-court related of facts, statistics, etc...
4. specific examples of how parents and families can use the (weak) laws that are in place (see the Child and Family Services Act) and strategies and tactics to save their children from living with strangers in foster care and group home
5. the issue of lack of Ombudsman oversight of the child protection authorities here in ON only and how people are encouraged to continue to push for it but also how they need to be aware that despite Ombudsman oversight in other province, there continue to be reports from families re: child protection malfeasance and failures=the Ombudsman might not be the panacea some are hoping
6. and most importantly: the issue of children dying, being abused, drugged and even killed in foster and group "homes" AND the terrible outcomes which their idiotic "crown ward no access to family" agenda has had on their childrenprisoners.
As always it will be a peaceful and lawful but unapologetic and vigorous (not going to defeat this monster with whispers) protest-rally.
Dress warmly, bring some snacks and something to wet your whistle and please consider having your prestentation (if you choose to bullhorn) written out at least in point form for reference and clear presentation.
We'll have the new petition there, pursuing signatures to get changes to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) which will see the inclusion of both the CA$s AND the courts of ON as additional province of ON.'s "institutions" from whom we can acquire documents.
Source: Facebook, Canada Court Watch
Candle Light Vigil In Memory of Families Ripped Apart by CAS and Family Courts
Public · By Lee Bolton, Pat Niagara and 2 others
- When
- Monday, February 18, 2013
- Time
- 6:00pm until 8:00pm in EST
- Where
- Ontario, Canada
- Description
Second annual FAMILY DAY gathering in support of all families and especially the families that have been brutally ripped apart by the Child Protection Agencies and Family Court System. Dress warm and bring any chosen source of light such as candles, glow sticks, flashlights etc... Please take photos or video and sent to Pat Niagara for a Video of this event for posting
★★★ Everyone welcome! ★★★★IN CHATHAM, ONTARIO 6pm-8pm
-There are restaurants and stores at the Corner of McNaughton Ave and St.Clair Street, in CHATHAM Ontario so people can go inside grab a coffee and warm up if needed.★IN NIAGARA REGION 6pm-8pm
59 Church St. St. Catharines Court House
-This location was picked only because this is where the families problems begin and end.★IN BRANTFORD, ONTARIO 6pm to 8pm
-Wyane Gretzky Parkway entrance to Lynden Park Mall area
Brantford Event Page other Facebook announcements:
-2 Rideau at Sussex on the south side (right in front of the underpass). Peaceful daylight demonstration. Location is close to Canal/Winterlude. Families from Ottawa and cities within closer proximity are welcome to join.★ IN PICTON, ONTARIO 4:00pm-6:30pm (Candlelight Vigil)
123 Main st at the Veteran's Memorial Site, Picton Ontario Facebook
Fundraiser to benefit "Save the Canadian Children Conference"
Public · By Alfredine Linda Plourde
- When
- Saturday, March 9, 2013
- Time
- 7:00pm until 1:00am in EST
- Place
- Halton Naval Veterans Club 2444 Industrial St Burlington, Ontario L7P 1A5
- Description
Ticket: $15.00 Raffle/door prize/music& dance/late night snack/50/50 draw
Source: Facebook
Public · By Attila Vinczer
- When
- Saturday, March 9, 2013
- When
- Wednesday, March 27, 2013
- Time
- 10:00am in EDT
- Place
- Legislative Assembly of Ontario Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A8
Ombudsman oversight Bill first reading on March 27, 2013. Arrive by 10 am. You will need to sign in at security who will provide direction as to when and how to get to the gallery. Your support is greatly needed at this very important event.
Ombudsman oversight is an integral part of ensuring the MUSH sector can be examined by the Ombudsman in cases where investigation of concern or wrongdoing is needed. This holds true for the CAS agencies who currently have many levels of internal self regulation that leaves the complainant at the mercy of the CAS who's primary objective is to ensure the well being of children not the well being of the CAS agency and the funding that is based on the number of files open and the number of children in their care.
Source: Facebook
Ombudsman Bill 42 for Children's Aid Second Reading
Event for Stop the Children's Aid Society from taking Children from Good Parents · By Neil Haskett
- When
- Thursday, April 11, 2013
- Time
- 12:45pm in EDT
- Place
- Legislative Assembly of Ontario Main Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto Ontario M7A 1A8
Chance of Rain 59°F / 37°F
The Bill if passed would allow all 47 of Ontario’s Private Children’s Aid Societies open to investigations by the Ontario Ombudsman. Currently we’re the only Province in Canada who allows their private board of directors to oversee themselves for both internal and external complaints.
We need every stakeholder involved with this process from current and former foster kids, parents, siblings, grandparents, workers, foster parents, lawyers, unions, the general public and judges to weigh in and to finally make this system what it should be.
Let’s make Ontario’s child protection system by what all others are judge by!
At 12:00 PM, A purification ceremony will take place among the participants and it is an open invitation. Sacred plants used by medicine people will be utilized; tobacco, sage, cedar and sweet grass. These four medicines are used by native peoples across Canada for blessings, offerings, purification and spiritual connections. Special thanks to John Fox who will conduct the ceremony.
First Reading is scheduled for Wednesday March 27, 2013 but everyone is asked to attend April 11 if you can only make one event.
Please contact your local MPP using the form below asking they support oversight of Hospitals, Long-Term Care, Children’s Aid Societies, School Boards, Universities/Colleges, or the independent Police Review.
Source: Facebook
Belleville Rally for accountability and oversight of the Children's Aid Societies and the M.U.S.H sector.
Public · By Curtis Kingston
- When
- Friday, May 17, 2013
- Time
- 11:00am until 5:00pm in EDT
- Where
- 199 front St Belleville, Ontario
- Description
We are holding a rally for accountability and oversight of the Children's Aid Societies and the M.U.S.H sector in Belleville Ontario at the family courthouse at 199 south front st, right in the center of downtown Belleville at the Serve Ontario side of the century place building.
This rally will be held from 11:00am to 5:00pm on Friday, May 17th 2013.
There will be plenty of signs and brochures to hand out along with the Ombudsman petition for people to sign.
I hope to see as many people there as possible because we need to get the word out and as people in the Belleville area know, the CA$ propaganda runs wild here and we need to inform people of the truth so that one day the tables will turn on them and everyone will know about their lies, deceit and unlawful actions.
Also if people are in the Belleville area but would need a ride to get there, I may be able to help with that so please either post on here or pm me and we will see what I can do.
Thanks in advance to all the great people that will hopefully be able to attend this rally.
Source: Facebook, Curtis Kingston
Save the Canadian Children Conference
- when
- Starting at 9:30 am.
- time
- May 17, 2013
- where
- The Grand Olympia 660 Barton Street Stoney Creek Ontario L8E 5L6
- Panel of Experts
- Breakfast, Lunch, Roast Beef Dinner (cash bar)
- Special Awards recognizing Exceptional Foster Families
- Special Presentation recognizing Extraordinary People
Guest Speakers
- Andrée Ruffo
- Robert P Lee
- Michael C Irving
- Jamie Sullivan
- Zabeth Bayne
- Velvet Martin
- Ms L Wilson
- Charles L Stecker Jr
- Jim Black
- Fee:
- $100 / person
Protecting Canadian Children · By Alfredine Linda Plourde
- When
- Saturday, May 18, 2013
- Time
- 11:00am until 4:00pm in EDT
- Where
- Children’s Aid Society 26 Arrowsmith Road Hamilton, Ontario, L8E 4H8
- Description
There will be information tables from all across Canada and some representatives from the U.S.
The rally will be held May 18 and the tentative time for the rally will be from 11 o’clock to 4 o’clock. It will begin at the Children’s Aid Society located at 26 Arrowsmith Road, Hamilton, Ontario, L8E 4H8 and will end at the Catholic Children’s Aid Society at 735 King Street East, Hamilton, Ontario
This rally will be different to our previous rallies. There will be no formal ‘walk’ of a group of individuals but we hope to have the route lined with checkpoints. We have organized with one of our supporters, Boot Hill Hearse, (waiting for confirmation by Hank) He offers a funeral service using hearse that is hooked up to a motorcycle. Please visit for more information. We are hoping he will be lead a group of vehicles that will be driving the route from one children’s aid society to the other. The supporters will be lining the route to witness this ‘mock’ funeral procession to honour all the children who have passed away while in the care of any child protective services. Feel free to invite friends and family. Please join us and make a real difference in the lives of children and families trapped in this ugly broken system.
Please Canadians join us in this unique rally to preserve the family unit, and to reform the “Child Protective Services” By attending this rally you be helping us on protecting the children of this country.
Source: Facebook
Napanee Rally for accountability and oversight of the Children's Aid Societies and the M.U.S.H sector.
Public · By Curtis Kingston
- When
- Monday, May 27, 2013
- Time
- 11:00am until 4:00pm in EDT
- Where
- 68 Dundas St, Napanee Ontario
- Description
We are holding a rally for accountability and oversight of the Children's Aid Societies and the M.U.S.H sector in Napanee Ontario at the corner of Dundas st and East St right in the centre of downtown Napanee right beside the Dundas St Tim Horton's.
This rally will be held from 11:00am to 4:00pm on Tuesday, May 27th 2013.
There will be plenty of signs and brochures to hand out along with the Ombudsman petition for people to sign.
I hope to see as many people there as possible because we need to get the word out and as people in the area know, the CA$ propaganda runs wild here and we need to inform people of the truth so that one day the tables will turn on them and everyone will know about their lies, deceit and unlawful actions.
Also if people are in the Belleville, Kingston or Picton areas but would need a ride to get there, we may be able to help with that so please either post on here or pm me and we will see what we can do.
Thanks in advance to all the great people that will hopefully be able to attend this rally.
Source: Facebook, Curtis Kingston
Confront CAS June 3rd
- date
- June 3, 2013
- time
- 6:45 pm
- place
- Children's Aid Society 200 Ardelt Avenue Kitchener Ontario
Confront CAS
Monday June 3rd 6:45pm outside of CAS Kitchener
or6:00 pm Sharp Queen and Charles Downtown kitchener if you need a ride
On june 3rd CAS is having a foster parent info night. these events are used to recruit potential foster parents so as CAS, a for profit agency, can make profit from selling children of poor and marginalized people. It is important that we confront them at this event by raising the issue thereby attacking there base of profit. We ask all those not know to CAS and Police to go inside and calmly inform fosterparents what is really going on through handing out articles about CAS malpractise from mainstream papers like the Toronto Star, as well as calmly and resctfully asking important questions. We also call on all others to join us in picketing this event and raising the issues. Since this is there last recruitment night this year, let us use this opportunity to expose and oppose what crimes they are commiting
Source: Julian Ichim blog
Kingston Rally for accountability and oversight of the Children's Aid Societies and the M.U.S.H sector.
Public · By Curtis Kingston
- When
- Saturday, June 8, 2013
- Time
- 11:00am until 4:00pm in EDT
- Place
- 427 Princess St Kingston Ontario
- Description
We are holding a public rally for accountability and oversight of the Children's Aid Societies and the M.U.S.H sector in Kingston Ontario at the corner of Princess St and Division St right in front of the UPS Store at 427 Princess St in Kingston Ontario.
This rally will be held from 11:00am to 4:00pm on Tuesday, June 8th 2013.
There will be plenty of signs and brochures to hand out along with the Ombudsman petition for people to sign.
I hope to see as many people there as possible because we need to get the word out and as people in the area know, the CA$ propaganda runs wild here and we need to inform people of the truth so that one day the tables will turn on them and everyone will know about their lies, deceit and unlawful actions.
Also if people are in the Belleville, Kingston or Picton areas but would need a ride to get there, we may be able to help with that so please either post on here or pm me and we will see what we can do.
Thanks in advance to all the great people that will hopefully be able to attend this rally.
Source: Facebook, Curtis Kingston
Picton Rally for accountability and oversight of the Children's Aid Societies and the M.U.S.H sector.
Public · By Curtis Kingston
- When
- Saturday, June 22, 2013
- Time
- 11:00am until 4:00pm in EDT
- Place
- 123 Main St in Picton Ontario
- Description
We are holding a public rally for accountability and oversight of the Children's Aid Societies and the M.U.S.H sector in Picton Ontario at the veterans memorial site right across the road from the Tim Horton's at 123 Main St in Picton Ontario
This rally will be held from 11:00am to 4:00pm on Saturday, June 22nd 2013.
There will be plenty of signs and brochures to hand out along with the Ombudsman petition for people to sign.
I hope to see as many people there as possible because we need to get the word out and as people in the area know, the CA$ propaganda runs wild here and we need to inform people of the truth so that one day the tables will turn on them and everyone will know about their lies, deceit and unlawful actions.
Also if people are in the Belleville, Kingston or Picton areas but would need a ride to get there, we may be able to help with that so please either post on here or pm me and we will see what we can do.
Thanks in advance to all the great people that will hopefully be able to attend this rally.
Source: Facebook, Curtis Kingston
Windsor Ontario Rally for accountability and oversight of the Children's Aid Societies and the M.U.S.H sector.
Public · By Curtis Kingston
- When
- Monday, July 8, 2013
- Time
- 12:00pm until 4:00pm in EDT Chance of a Thunderstorm 26°C / 20°C
- place
- 600 Ouellette Ave, Windsor, ON N9A 6Z3
- Description
- We are holding a public rally for accountability and oversight of the Children's Aid Societies and the M.U.S.H sector in Windsor Ontario on the corner of Wyandotte St and Ouellette Ave. Right in front of the Shoppers Drug Mart at 600 Ouellette Ave.
This rally will be held from 12:00pm to 4:00pm on Monday July 8th 2013.
There will be plenty of signs and brochures to hand out along with the Ombudsman petition for people to sign.
I hope to see as many people there as possible because we need to get the word out and as people know, the CA$ propaganda runs wild and we need to inform people of the truth so that one day the tables will turn on them and everyone will know about their lies, deceit and unlawful actions.
Also if people are would like to attend but would need a ride to get there, we may be able to help with that so please either post on here or pm me and we will see what we can do.
Thanks in advance to all the great people that will hopefully be able to attend this rally.
Source: Facebook
July 10th oppose CAS Foster Recruitment!!!
Wed. July 10th 6:00 pm
Queen St. Commons meet up Queen and Charles 6:45pm outside Kitchener CAS building!!!!Given the level of resistance to CAS recruitment drives, the CAS has decided to have another one in July. Let us go and oppose them. Those that can get inside and are unknown to CAS and police bring news paper articles about CAS impunity, abuse and profiteering, as well as well thought out questions, those that dont want to attempt to get in the building bring protest sighns and yourselves. It is very important that this organization be held accountable for what they are doing and it is important that potential foster parents become aware of what kind of organization they are supporting. We xall on all people regardless of political diffrences to put everything else aside and hold this private corporation with policing powers accountable!!!!!
Children Are Not a Commoditty
Source: Julian Ichim blog
The 2013 Ontario Canada Opening of Courts Ceremony Protest
Friends of Guests · By Chris Carter, Pat Niagara and 2 others
- When
- Thursday, September 12, 2013
- Time
- 9:00am until 5:00pm in EDT
- place
- Church of the Holy Trinity 10 Trinity Square Toronto, Ontario MB1 1B1
This will be our third annual unimpeachably lawful and energetically vigorous protest of the Opening of the Courts Ceremony in Toronto Canada.
Reportedly, the courts have been doing these Opening of the Courts Ceremonies for perhaps 60 some odd years!!!
This will be our third annual unimpeachably lawful and energetically vigorous protest of the Opening of the Courts Ceremony in Toronto Canada.
Reportedly, the courts have been doing these Opening of the Courts Ceremonies for perhaps 60 some odd years!!!
Inside the courtrooms themselves many of us have learned that we can't very often successfully combat the damage which the courts and their various business partners such as the Children's Aid Societies or the Office of the Children's Lawyer intend and work so hard to inflict on our children and families and communities.
They are too dedicated, too determined and, for the time being, too supported by numerous other powerful third parties.
These injustices have been going on for a long long time: link.
System was misguided, officials admit Thousands of children needlessly uprooted
YVES LAVIGNE. The Globe and Mail. Toronto, Ont: Nov 23, 1981 . pg. P.1
Neither can we stop this "Aren't we just the most honourable of all in our pretty black dresses" judgies "back patting Ceremony" from occurring but we sure as heck can make sure that it doesn't go off uncontested.
At the very very least we owe that to the children and families...and it isn't going to get any better unless we do.
At our first protest back in 2011 we kind of caught them off guard and we're able to get up close and personal with the judgies: YouTube.
In regards to this just past 2012 Ceremony, the Metro Toronto police we're waiting for us, literally, when we arrived and they had these blanket no trespass orders...
(which we will be obtaining copies of via the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act=FIPPA)
...which kept most but not all of us hundreds of metres back from the Church's front doors: YouTube.
Later on during the day while we were protesting in front of the downtown Toronto University Ave. courthouse itself, the senior Minister of that Church of the Holy Trinity came over to speak with us.
She claimed that they, meaning the Ministers themselves, had no idea that citizens were being denied entrance into the Church Ceremony AND that if they had known it was happening, they would have spoken out against it.
We'll be sure to provide her opportunities to advocate on our behalfs for the future events.
She also told us that they could hear our statements and claims, registered via bullhorns from hundreds of metres away out at the public sidewalk, inside the Church during the Ceremony.
One of our good friends got a great photograph of the three senior judgies exiting the Church and all of them were looking directly down to where we were ummm "expressing our concerns." link1 link2.
We can't stop them from having the Ceremony but they can't stop us from contesting it either.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| QUICK CLICK ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Opening of the Courts - September 12, 2012 YouTube.
Opening of the Courts - Toronto - Sept 13 2011 YouTube.
Source: Facebook
The Dam is Breaking Rally! Kill Bill 88!
Public · By Pamela Palmer and Jane Scharf
- When
- Thursday, December 5, 2013
- Time
- 3:00pm until 9:00pm in EST Chance of Snow 39°F / 39°F
- Place
- Mapleview Community Church 300 Mapleview Dr. West, Barrie, Ontario L4N 9E7
This Bill 88 is about privatizting welfare. CAS would hand out all welfare for youth 16-24 even those who were not in CAS before 16 years of age. See our website for more info ON December 5th, 2013 Jane Scharf will be attending the office of Rod Jackson at 3:00pm to HAND DELIVER to Rod Jackson, a copy of our complaint about him to the Integrity Commissioner. Rod Jackson is holding a public meeting at Mapleview Church in Barrie Ontario at 7:30pm. Our own Jane Scharf will be there to confront Mr. Jackson about his misrepresentation of facts used to promote his bill. She will also be handing out copies of our article to those in attendance. If you would like to attend and be apart of the rally and public education event (we will be sending out press releases!) Please sign up here!!!!!!!! Please attend both if you can!!! Everyone can stay warm and enjoy coffee at a near by Tim Hortons while we wait for the event at 7:30pm! for more information go to
Source: Facebook